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List of Industries

The News API provides a set of industries that you can use to filter news articles. The following industries are available:

Industry IDIndustry nameIndustry description
0Aerospace DefenseManufacturing operations services aerospace civil military aviation defense armaments communications supplies systems vehicles.
1Aero DefenseMilitary and civilian aircraft, spacecraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles, with necessary parts and instruments. Also includes defense warfare systems, weaponry, supplies, land-based vehicles, and naval vessels for defense use.
2Aerial ComponentsParts for Commercial, Military or Private Aircraft Including Aircraft Engines and Propulsion Systems, Avionics and Aircraft Electronics, Aircraft Instrumentation.
3Aerospace propulsionEngines designed to propel military or civil aircraft, either jet or propeller powered, including helicopter engines and those used in drones.
4Aircraft instrumentationFlight instruments or monitoring instruments used in aircraft any electronic or mechanical instrument that helps with the control monitoring or operation of aircraft or flight functions is included.
5Aircraft ElectronicsAviation electronics for aircraft, spacecraft or satellites includes electronic flight control, monitoring, communication, navigation and other systems or functions. Electronic meteorological and anti-collision devices are also included.
6WeaponsWeapons, ammo, and military materials. Involves arms importers/exporters and traders.
7Heavy weaponryHeavy firepower weaponry used in military ground, air or sea operations. Types of artillery include cannons, howitzers, mortars, anti-tank or anti-aircraft weapons. Can be fixed position or mobile weaponry.
8Explosive devices for destructionExplosive devices that can be dropped from the air, detonated remotely or constructed with a fuse for delayed detonation. Included are timing devices or percussion devices used to ignite or set off bombs.
9Laser Technology inActual and Estimated Commercial Product Delivery Data.
10Weapons of WarHandheld guns such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, machine guns or sub-machine guns, as well as guns that shoot pellets, tear gas or blanks. Gun accessories like scopes or silencers are also included.
11Army SuppliesMilitary equipment, gear, dry goods and other non-weaponry items. Also excludes heavy equipment and advanced technology Military Equipment, Gear, Dry Goods and other Non-Weaponry Items Also Excludes Heavy Equipment and Advanced Technology.
12Rocket projectiles in warfareShort, mid or long range missiles and warheads, powered by rockets or engines, can be ballistic, antiballistic or guided, with warheads being either conventional or nuclear.
13Weapon munitionsAmmunition for weapons and arms including bullets propellants explosives fuses charges cartridges warheads mortar and small arms ammunition grenades mines artillery shells and cluster bombs.
14AircraftCivilian aircraft for either commercial or private use including cargo aircraft helicopters and commercial passenger aircraft as well as private and recreational aircraft.
15Freight transport aircraftCommercial or private aircraft transport all kinds of freight, including container freight, bulk goods, package or mail delivery.
16Autonomous DronesUnmanned autonomous or remotely controlled reusable aircraft.
17HelicopterRotary Wing or Vertical Lift/Landing Aircraft for Commercial or Private Use, Either for Transporting Passengers or Cargo.
18Passenger AirlineAircraft used by airlines to transport passengers for profit.
19Recreational aviationRecreational aircraft and parts, including light sport, ultra light, and micro light aircraft, as well as gliders, excluding model airplanes.
20Military AircraftMilitary aircraft including combat aircraft, military support aircraft, military helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles also experimental aircraft with defense applications.
21Military aircraft used in combatCombat aircraft are heavily armed vehicles used in warfare. This category includes fighter and attack planes, helicopters, bombers, and training aircraft for combat flight personnel. Additionally, specialty aircraft like anti-submarine and patrol planes are also considered combat aircraft.
22Unmanned Aerial VehiclesReusable military aircraft that fly without personnel on board, controlled autonomously or by a remote operator. Uses include combat, reconnaissance and logistics.
23Military Choppers in theMilitary rotary-wing or VTOL aircraft used for combat and support operations.
24Support Aircraft in MilitaryMilitary aircraft used for various purposes, such as combat support, cargo and troop transport, medical evacuation, reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition aircraft.
25Military DefenseSophisticated military warfare systems including missile systems electronic warfare global positioning navigation communications surveillance detection imaging.
26ChemBio Agent DetectorsDevices or equipment such as chemical monitors or bio-sensors used to detect the presence of chemical or biological agents.
27Military Detection and Guidance SystemsMilitary detection and guidance tools, including navigation sensors, transmitters, orbit trajectory tracking, and guidance devices gyroscopes, motion sensors, laser guides, laser designators, and homing devices.
28Electronic Warfare Systems in MilitaryMilitary systems using the electromagnetic spectrum: communications jamming, radio frequency interception, electromagnetic energy monitoring, transmissions interception, protective countermeasures.
29GPS Navigation SystemsSpace based transmission reception or timing systems are used to track movement or determine positions on Earth at specific times. This includes satellites and ground receivers used in the GPS navigation process.
30Infrared ImagingDevices that create images using film or sensors sensitive to infrared light, along with infrared filters that block most visible light. Includes infrared film, infrared cameras or lenses, and thermal imaging or night vision devices that use part of the infrared spectrum.
31Military CommunicationMilitary communications systems and equipment, primarily combat, battlefield or intelligence communications, including signal corp and C3I. Includes telecommunications, network, information systems, electronic devices, software and services.
32Missile systems for militaryComplex systems for integrated missile use for military purposes, including systems or programs for missile launch, guidance, targeting, operation, or propulsion.
33Detection tools for objects in theElectronic tools that help sense or determine characteristics or distances of targeted objects or to discover objects RADAR and SONAR applications include missile detection and the tracking of plane or ship movements.
34Security cameras forEquipment designed for live or recorded image or sound for gathering intelligence through close or distant observation. Surveillance systems include undetectable observation or listening devices.
35Simulation ToolsMachines or computer programs simulating machines or people for military purposes like flight, combat, and weapons maintenance.
36Military Land VehiclesLand-based military vehicles including armored vehicles tanks and land-based fighting vehicles transport vehicles or vehicles used to place or detect land mines includes amphibious vehicles land rovers and vehicles involved in military logistics.
37Navy ShipsWatercrafts used by military forces for combat, support, or service purposes, whether on the surface or beneath the water.
38Surface Naval Vessels inSurface naval vessels including combat, transport, and support vessels.
39Submarine developmentSubmarine watercraft capable of submerging and operating underwater, but not dependent on other vessels Launching by another ship is not included.
40Non Lethal Weapons designed for temporary incapacitationNon-lethal military weapons are designed to induce temporary discomfort without causing permanent harm. These weapons utilize energy, irritants, or odors to temporarily incapacitate, confuse, or deter targets from a specific area.
41Spacecraft in aerospaceAny craft or object designed for orbital or sub-orbital space flight includes rockets and equipment used to launch or propel such craft into or through space, or for guidance, navigation and control during spaceflight.
42Missile technologyDefense and civilian rockets for various applications, including combat, air-to-ground missiles, sea-to-air missiles, and launch or booster rockets for NASA and civilian space operations.
43Spacecraft for data communicationCraft unmanned space or above Earth's atmosphere, including geostationary telecommunication device gather transmit data signals.
44Aerospace DefenseServices including airport operations, air traffic control, aerial and satellite imaging, fueling, leasing, and maintenance of aircraft and military vehicles. Military logistic services are also provided.
45Air and Space ImagingCapture, analyze, and distribute aerial or satellite images of Earth for various purposes such as mapping, weather forecasting, monitoring, reconnaissance, data collection, and exploration beyond Earth's atmosphere.
46Air Traffic ManagementManage air traffic for military, commercial or private aircraft including air routes, flight paths, aircraft position, takeoff and landing order. Tower control operators and airport ground control operators are involved.
47Aircraft LeasingLeasing or renting of aircraft including private or corporate charters and planes leased by commercial airlines.
48Aircraft ServiceMaintaining and repairing all aircraft types: military, commercial, or private.
49Airport ManagementManage air terminal facilities, airport personnel, passenger needs or emergency services and coordinate those services includes private and publicly owned airports often managed by companies contracting to run the site.
50Space ServicesLaunch spacecraft into orbit, support spacecraft operation in orbit and beyond.
51Launch ServicesLaunch spacecraft services include ordering, converting or building carrier rockets, assembling and stacking, integrating payloads, and conducting launches.
52Commercial SatelliteOperating orbital satellites for commercial purposes, including telecommunications and transmission of data or television signals.
53Fuel ServicesFueling needs management and distribution for military ground, air, and sea forces, as well as general aviation fueling services.
54Military Supply ChainProvisioning or movement of resources and flow of materials for the military includes transportation, facilities operations, acquisition and distribution, construction and maintenance, warehouse storage management, supply line and provisioning, and staffing.
55Farming and fishingCultivating, harvesting and processing food and non-food crops and animals includes commercial fishing, aquaculture, cattle ranching, dairy and swine farming, poultry and egg production, as well as services surrounding those industries and agricultural chemicals.
56Genetic modification for farmingGenetic engineering applied to plant and animal breeding for agriculture purposes.
57Crop ProtectionCrop growth promoting chemicals and risk-reducing substances for animals and plants, such as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides.
58Pesticides for AgricultureSubstances used to eliminate pests, plants, mold, fungi, or rodents.
59Weed killers for agricultureHerbicides.
60Plant nutrients supplying chemicalsNutrients supply to garden or crop plants including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
61Farm MachineryFarming machinery such as tractors, cultivators, seeders, irrigation equipment, harvesters, balers and loaders.
62Food processingClean, preserve and transform raw agricultural products like crops, milk, seafood and meat into final products.
63Processing CropsClean, preserve and process harvested field crops into final products or parts, including sorting, grading, drying, cooling and refrigeration.
64Milk ProcessingClean, preserve, transform milk into finished dairy products or components, pasteurize and homogenize raw milk.
65Seafood ProcessingClean, preserve and transform seafood into finished products or components, including scaling, gutting and filleting.
66Processing meatClean, preserve, and process poultry, lamb, beef, and pork into final products or parts, including slaughtering.
67Agricultural ServicesProfessional services supporting farming, such as farm and ranch management, pest control, herd testing, installation of irrigation systems, and soil testing and improvement.
68Crop Pest Management ServicesCrop and livestock pest control services.
69Crop CultivationPreparation and production services for farm crops include soil testing, dusting, fertilizing, and harvesting.
70Livestock Health Services for AgriculturalLivestock and farm animal medical issues diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and prevention.
71Management of AgriculturalAgricultural services and environmental regulatory services provided for maintaining and managing farm land, rangeland, and forests, including issues related to livestock, timber, and crops.
72Water DistributionWater Distribution Services for Agricultural Sector.
73Animal Husbandry ServicesAiding services for breeding, testing, rearing, culling, or butchering cattle and other domestic animals, including genetic testing and artificial insemination.
74Livestock productionBreeding, Raising and Harvesting of Livestock including Dairy Herds, Beef Cattle, Hog and Swine, Poultry and Beekeeping.
75CattleCattle breeding and raising for slaughter includes feedlots.
76Apiary farmingBeekeeping for honey production.
77Livestock Milk ProductionBreeding and maintaining animals for milk production, such as cattle, sheep, and goats.
78Animal HusbandryBreeding and maintaining animals, including those used for food, labor, laboratory testing and pets.
79Poultry and Egg Production in AgricultureBreed and maintain poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, and laying hens.
80Pig RearingBreed and maintain hogs and sows for commercial pork production.
81AquafarmingFarm-raised Fish Shellfish and Aquatic Vegetation.
82Capture fishFishing for profit from natural sources.
83Crop CultivationSoil and seed preparation, planting, cultivation and harvesting of food and non-food crops, including tobacco, trees and pharmaceutical crops.
84Grow crops for livestockCultivating and harvesting grain, forage and hay crops to provide for livestock nutrition.
85Fruit Nut CultivationCultivating and harvesting fruits and nuts for human consumption, including citrus, seeded and stone fruits, edible berries and nuts. Excludes grape cultivation.
86Grain CultivationCultivating and harvesting cereal and pulse crops, including rice, wheat and peas.
87Non Edible CropsCultivating and harvesting non-food plants like tobacco, cotton, and fiber.
88Fuel CropCommercial cultivation of crops for ethanol and biodiesel production.
89Fiber CropsCommercial cultivation of fiber crops including cotton hemp jute flax sisal and bamboo.
90Cultivated CropsCommercial cultivation of edible flowers, cut flowers, herbs and ornamentals.
91Genetic pharmaceuticalsCommercial cultivation of genetically engineered crops for pharmaceutical ingredients.
92Tobacco AgricultureCultivation of commercial tobacco crops.
93Edible Seed OilCultivating and harvesting crops for edible seed oils including flaxseed, rapeseed and soybeans.
94Timber PlantationsPrivately owned forests that are cultivated and managed for timber production.
95Growing vegetables for consumptionCultivating and harvesting vegetable crops for human consumption, hydroponic and greenhouse production excluded vegetable gardening.
96Grape cultivationCultivating and harvesting grapes from the vine.
97Natural AgricultureOrganic crop and livestock production without synthetic chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, feed additives or genetically modified organisms.
98ArtsApplied performing visual arts including museums cultural historic sites adult entertainment entertainment venues talent agents production services production equipment rental.
99Arts and designArt Galleries Visual Arts Performing Arts Applied Arts Including Commercial Art Fashion Industrial And Interior Design.
100Utilized Designing forAesthetic designing of everyday functional objects including commercial art graphic design and interior design services.
101Commercial DesignArt used in advertising and marketing material, print media, medical or scientific illustrations, and corporate logos and design.
102Design FashionDesigning haute couture and mass market apparel and accessories.
103Design ServicesTypography text images visual communication.
104Designing forArt that applies aesthetic considerations to the design of manufactured products.
105Design Services for InteriorInterior design solutions enhance the look and functionality of commercial or residential spaces.
106Galleries in artAuctioneers and commercial galleries that exhibit, market and sell art works.
107Live EntertainmentLive performance of music, dance, drama and other entertainment forms in front of an audience.
108Rhythmic movementDance a rhythmic movement accompanied by music.
109Music ShowsMusical concerts vocal or instrumental.
110Theater ProductionsLive Performances Of Drama, Comedy, Musical Or Variety Productions.
111Dramatic musicArt Form Combining Drama, Singing and Orchestral Music.
112Visual creativityVisual and plastic arts are drawing, painting, printmaking, art, cinematic photography, sculpture, ceramics, mosaics, and collage.
113Creative medium inFine art photography uses the camera as a creative medium.
114Film ProductionCreating motion pictures involves directing, producing, scriptwriting and cinematography.
115Artistic creationArt created by using paints on canvas fabric.
116Artistic creationSculpture is a piece of art made by shaping stone, wood, metal or plastic.
117Arts EntertainmentSupport services for creating, distributing, and displaying artistic and entertainment products, such as talent agencies, production services, and rentals.
118Film Production Equipment RentalRental companies for film and video production supply cameras, lighting, grip equipment, microphones, mixers, trucks, and electrical gear.
119Media ProductionFilm and video production studios and companies that shoot, edit, produce, and distribute content.
120Artist Representation in EntertainmentProfessional representation for artists and entertainers, including contract, rights and royalty negotiations.
121Cultural heritage in the tourismCulture-revealing attractions and exhibits, such as museums, historic sites, and monuments.
122Historical Landmarks and Sites Associated with Important Events inMonuments, sites, and buildings linked to important military, industrial, architectural, cultural, religious, or historical events.
123Art institutions in theInstitutions that acquire, preserve and display artistic, historical, scientific or cultural objects.
124EntertainmentEntertainment venues generally excluding the performing arts includes amusement parks, casinos, cinemas, zoos, aquariums, and circuses, and adult entertainment.
125SexSexually oriented entertainment, including strip clubs, pornography and erotic dancing.
126EntertainmentPassive recreational and entertainment activities: amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, circuses, casinos and cinemas.
127Parks amusementGames, thrill rides, water rides and other attractions designed for large-scale amusement and entertainment.
128GamingGaming establishment for gambling activities including table games, machine games, and ticket games.
129EntertainmentA Troupe presenting live animal acts, acrobats, trapeze artists, clowns, and musicians.
130Film ExhibitionCinemas showing movies on one or more screens.
131Zoological Gardens and BotanicalZoos, aquariums, nature reserves, botanical gardens and arboretums are living museums that showcase plant and animal collections.
132WageringOperation of games involving wagering money to win money, including casino, online, sports book, and other forms of betting.
133Sports BettingAccepting and paying off bets on sports events.
134Gambling LodgingCasino gambling and overnight lodging facilities.
135Digital BettingInternet-based commercial wagering.
136Entertainment TechnologyHardware and software supporting creation, distribution, and display of entertainment, including audio, video, and multimedia.
137Sound Video Systems Consumer ElectronicsSound and video systems for consumers.
138Entertainment Technology DesignTechnology design and development for entertainment purposes, including audio and broadcast technology, animation and computer generated imagery.
139Three Dimensional Video Technology used in recording and projecting 3D video imagesHardware and software used to record and project 3D video images.
140Motion illusion creation by image displayCreate Illusion Motion Rapid Display Still Images.
141Sound EngineeringTechnology for delivering electronic audio signals design and development.
142Broadcast TechDeveloping technology for broadcasting electronic signals.
143Computer GraphicsGenerate graphical images and animations using computers.
144Interactive entertainmentTechnology of games and entertainment venues that require reciprocal action, such as video games and interactive entertainment at theme parks.
145Theater LightingSpecialized illumination and light technology in theaters, stadiums, galleries and entertainment venues.
146Video creationElectronic systems and equipment for creating, editing, and sharing animated visual content and recorded audio; as well as enhancing video formats with text, graphics, sound, animation, and interactive elements.
147Genetic engineering applicationApplication of genetic engineering or cell and tissue culture technology to biology, agriculture, food science and medicine to develop new products Genetic engineering or cell and tissue culture technology applied in biology, agriculture, food science and medicine for the development of new products.
148Computational biology revolutionizingComputer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics applied to solve biological problems including biomodeling, genomics and molecular modeling.
149Replacement body materialsBiocompatible material used in the replacement of body organs or tissues, including skin grafts, bone implants, organs and encapsulated cell technology.
150Biomedical ResearchTools, devices, substances and apparatuses for performing biological studies.
151BiotherapeuticsMedicinal Therapies Produced Using Biotechnology Including Proteins Antibodies Nucleic Acids Gene Therapies and Vaccines.
152Biological substitutes for biotech therapies manufactured by different companies in theBiologic medical product substitute for specific bio-engineered therapy from another company.
153Blood Derived ProductsMedical treatments and therapies from blood components such as plasma, platelets, red blood cells, and immunoglobulins.
154Cell TherapyCells for therapy and transplantation, such as embryonic, stem, fetal, adult, autologous, allogenic, xenogenic, genetically engineered, immunological and cord blood cells.
155Genetic MedicineGenetic materials used for disease treatment, such as genes, DNA, RNA and nucleic acids.
156Immune system modulators in biotechEnhancing or suppressing agents for the body's immune response: cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, antigens, and fusion proteins.
157Immunization against diseases in medicalBiological preparations that enhance immunity to disease usually include an agent mimicking a disease-causing microorganism to boost the immune system.
158Enzymes Toxins used clinical medicineEnzymes and bio-toxins used in clinical medicine.
159Genomic TechnologyEquipment software systems tools reagents instruments and machines used to study or analyze genes DNA genomes and other genetic material.
160Biological production forBiological materials like cells, crops, or enzymes are used to produce biofuels, biological catalysts for industrial chemical reactions, bioremediation agents, and bioorganic materials.
161Living Cell Manipulation for TherapeuticLiving cells manipulated into functional tissue for therapeutic or medical diagnostic applications.
162Chemical ProductsSolid liquid or gas chemical substances primarily produced synthetically.
163Alcohol compounds inCompounds with a hydroxyl functional group attached to a carbon atom including methanol, propanol, butanol, and commercially manufactured ethanol.
164Food AdditivesFood additives for preservation, flavor enhancement, or appearance improvement.
165Chemical ServicesProcurement storage and transportation of chemicals chemical analysis and validation and chemical disposal services.
166Chemical Analysis forAnalyze trace chemical levels in products, materials and additives, including separation analysis, contamination detection and spectroscopy.
167Disposal CleaningChemical waste and drum disposal, hazardous chemicals recycling, chemical cleaning services, wastewater removal, site reclamation services.
168Chemical HaulageBulk transportation of liquids and chemicals, typically by rail or truck as with all hazardous substances safety and security is of critical importance.
169Bulk ChemicalsChemicals Produced And Sold In Large Volumes.
170Chemical IngredientsChemicals used in the manufacture of cosmetics, toiletries and household products.
171Skin Care IngredientsChemicals used in the manufacture of skin care products include surfactants, emollients, cleansing agents and moisturizers.
172Cleaning ChemicalsChemicals used in the manufacture of soaps and detergents including disinfectant and anti microbial chemicals surfactants oleochemicals and sanitizers.
173Manufactured Gases forCommercial gases for industrial use.
174Organic SaltsSalts with melting points below 100 degrees Celsius, ionic liquids are utilized in industry and chemistry.
175Carbon-containing chemicals vs. Carbon-free chemicalsCarbon compounds are found in organic chemicals, while inorganic chemicals do not.
176Mineral Chemicals inMineral substances of chemical origin.
177Carbon compounds inSubstances containing carbon-hydrogen bond.
178Renewable biodegradable plastic in theBiodegradable plastic derived from renewable biomass rather than from petroleum.
179Chemical pest controlPesticides eradicate plant and animal pests.
180Derived petrochemicalsPetroleum or natural gas derived chemicals.
181Medicinal SyntheticsArtificial pharmaceutical substances.
182Colorants forInsoluble pigment or soluble dye synthetic colorants.
183Polymer materialsPolymers are compounds that can be polymerized and molded, extruded, cast into shapes and films, or drawn into filaments for use as textile fibers.
184Small plastic particlesPlastic pieces under five millimeters long, such as microfibers, microbeads, and plastic pellets. Also encompasses secondary microplastics formed from the breakdown of larger plastic items.
185Cooling agents used in HVACSubstances used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle.
186Specialty chemicalsChemicals produced and sold in smaller volumes for special purposes, including additives, adhesives, bleaching agents, printing ink, paints, sealants and textile chemicals.
187Industrial chemicals used in various processes within theIndustrial chemicals used as absorbents, antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, thickeners or water repellants. Excludes food additives.
188Bonding materials inChemicals used for bonding various materials such as thermoplastics, thermosetting adhesives, polyurethane, and epoxy.
189Gas ammonia usedChemical gas that is manufactured as anhydrous ammonia or ammonium hydroxide.
190Color Removal ChemicalsColor-removing oxidizing chemicals.
191Black Carbon inChemical produced by a controlled incomplete combustion of liquid hydrocarbons used in making tires rubber and plastic products as well as printing inks.
192Cleaning Substances forChemical solvents and degreasers used in household, industrial and commercial cleaning products.
193Chemical Solutions for ElectronicsChemicals used in mechanical polishing, wafer cleaning and surface preparation of circuit boards and semiconductor chips.
194Chemical ReactionsViolent reactions are produced by chemicals when mixed or ignited, such as blasting agents, primary, deflagrating and detonating explosives.
195Lipid derivatives inManufactured from fats and oils, including tallow, rosins and stearic acid.
196Chemical CoatingsCoating chemicals epoxy enamel industrial latex paint varnishes lacquers wood concrete stain paint solvents thinners.
197Ink manufacturingChemical Resins Pigment Dispersions Solvent Dyes Coating Chemicals Additives Used Manufacture Printing Ink.
198Moisture-resistant barrierUse silicone or polyurethane materials to create a moisture-resistant protective barrier between two substrates.
199Textile ProcessingChemicals used in textile production process including enzymes pretreatment dying coating finishing chemicals colorants.
200Man-made elastomer used in rubberArtificial elastomer frequently used as substitute for natural rubber.
201Business Mergers. Companies combining industriesMerge multiple companies with different businesses in one corporate structure.
202PropertyConstruction sale leasing property residential commercial industrial infrastructure services equipment related activity.
203BuildingConstructing, renovating or tearing down commercial, industrial and residential buildings and public infrastructure. Includes building prefabricated structures and manufacturing construction machinery.
204Commercial BuildingConstruction of Commercial Facilities including Warehouses Retail Stores Office Buildings Factories and Power Plants.
205Building MachineryHeavy equipment designed for executing construction tasks including asphalt pavers bulldozers and cranes.
206Building demolition. Engineered destructionDemolition of Buildings.
207Building Infrastructure ConstructionConstruction of the basic facilities needed for a functioning society including roads bridges railroads airports and telecommunications and utility transmission structures.
208Airport DevelopmentAirport runways, terminals, roadways, and parking facilities construction or expansion.
209Bridge Tunnel ConstructionConstruction and Maintenance of Bridges Viaducts Tunnels and Elevated Highways.
210Road BuildingConstruction and maintenance of streets, roads and highways.
211Marine InfrastructureConstructing and maintaining docks, piers, intermodal yards, and container transfer terminals.
212Railway InfrastructureRailroad tracks, electrical and signal systems, terminals, rail yards and subway tunnels are constructed and maintained.
213Prefabricated StructuresModular and portable buildings fabricated offsite then transported to their intended location.
214Reactor Construction in NuclearBuilding, renovating or demolishing nuclear reactors for controlling a nuclear reaction.
215Home BuildingConstruction of residential dwellings including single and multi-family homes condominiums and apartment buildings.
216Real Estate and ConstructionSupport services for real estate development, sales, and management, including construction of new and renovated properties, brokers, architects, and design services.
217Building DesignPlanning and design of the construction or rehabilitation of buildings.
218Civil Structural EngineeringDesign and Construction Oversight of Infrastructure, Bridges and Buildings.
219HVAC Services forInstall and maintain electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
220Landscaping DesignersDesigning Landscapes around Residential, Commercial and Public Buildings as well as in Public Spaces.
221Lease ManagementRenting or leasing property and buildings, commercial and residential, managed by real estate service companies.
222Property LeasingLeasing commercial property and buildings, including warehouses, office space, and retail space.
223Estate AdministrationProperty management services including maintenance, rent collection, repair, utilities and taxes payment.
224Land & Building Valuation for Real EstateAssessment of the financial value of Land and Buildings.
225PropertyNegotiating the purchase or sale of property, as well as often marketing and identifying properties for buyers and sellers.
226Property DevelopmentCoordinate all efforts in creating new real estate or rehabilitating existing structures, including property acquisition, design and construction financing, and marketing.
227Property EvaluationsAssessing the condition of buildings and land, looking for structural flaws, code violations, safety hazards, and potential environmental issues.
228Land Property AppraisersAppraising, measuring, defining and summarizing land or property features.
229Real propertyDevelopment, Sale and Management of Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Mixed-Use Property.
230Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Companies managing real estate portfolio to generate profits for shareholders inReal estate asset management companies profit for shareholders.
231Industrial PropertiesIndustrial warehouse distribution REITs.
232Office Properties REITs in Real EstateSpecializing in office properties real estate investment trusts.
233Residential PropertyResidential real estate investment trusts specializing in homes, condos, and apartments.
234Specialty REITs focused on specificREITs specialize in specific market segments like hotels, entertainment, or healthcare.
235Real Estate Sectors Commercial Residential Industrial Storage Mixed-UseCommercial residential industrial storage mixed use real estate.
236Profitable PropertyProfit-generating real estate such as office space, retail stores, and farmland.
237Manufacturing Real Estate forIndustrial real estate for factories and related facilities.
238Mixed Use PropertyMixed-use properties like retail, office, or residential land/buildings.
239Residential PropertyResidential real estate including single and multi-family homes, condominiums, and apartment buildings.
240StorageGoods Storage and Distribution Property Including Self-Storage Facilities.
241Consumer ProductsProducts made for consumer use either personal such as cosmetics jewelry or toiletries or for the home or garden including appliances electronics furnishings and tools Pet products are also included.
242Home machinesHome use machines, such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, vacuums, toasters, and coffee makers.
243Eco-Friendly Appliances forEnergy-efficient, eco-friendly appliances made of renewable materials.
244Home ElectronicsHome appliances that are often portable and placed on a table or counter include sewing machines, space heaters, microwaves, and blenders.
245Connected devices revolutionizing applianceRemote or automated control of appliances through device and software connectivity.
246Major AppliancesLarge bulky usually stationary home appliances including air conditioners refrigerators washing machines.
247End User ElectronicsDevices ranging from entertainment systems to smaller devices like DVRs, radios, and cameras are sold to end-users.
248Sound EquipmentElectronic devices and related equipment that transmit and amplify audio signals to the listener, usually music. Includes speakers, headsets and CD players, but not professional equipment.
249Sound Recording DevicesInput, manipulate, and transcribe audio signals and acoustic data using electronic equipment for both vocal and musical formats.
250Ear speakersPersonalized listening devices resembling earphones that sit snugly over the listener's ears.
251High Fidelity Components for AudioHigh quality sound reproduction equipment and electronic components.
252Music Players DevicesPortable music players.
253Wireless audio devices transforming electromagnetic waves into sound within music and informationElectronic device for wireless transmission, reception and modulation of electromagnetic waves transforming into sound for relaying music and information.
254Sound equipmentElectro-acoustic transducer converting electrical signals into audible sound these devices used in commercial venues and home entertainment.
255Automotive EntertainmentSystems for playing pre-recorded sound or movies in cars.
256Cameras for capturing images in digital format revolutionized the photographyCapture and convert visual images into digital images.
257Cellular CommunicationPortable, handheld electronic devices primarily used for transmitting voice or text messages over a cellular telecommunications network.
258Video TechnologyElectronic devices that transmit and display video signals to the viewer, including televisions, video cameras and DVD players, but not equipment for professional use Electronic devices transmitting and displaying video signals to viewers, such as televisions, video cameras, and DVD players, excluding professional use equipment.
259Communication Tools in BroadcastingDevices used for the broadcast transmission and reception of audio and video signals.
260Record VideoElectronic devices that record video to a disk drive, flash drive or other memory medium, storing the video in a digital format for playback on a separate screen.
261DVD Players are essential in the multimediaDevices use play multimedia optical discs DVD audio video standards.
262Home Entertainment SystemsElectronic devices combination for video and audio media display at home.
263Media PlayersPortable electronic devices displaying video and audio in various formats.
264TV manufacturingDevices for receiving and displaying transmitted video images on a screen.
265Video Recording DevicesDevices capture record video images.
266Gaming ConsoleThe electronic equipment that comprises a video gaming system, specifically the user interface and equipment that reads the game.
267Video ProjectionVideo projector using lens system with focused ray of light.
268Smart WearablesWearable accessories integrating computer and advanced electronic technologies like smartwatches.
269Smart Wearables Revolutionizing TechElectronic wristwatch with a mobile operating system or linked to a device with such a system Usually includes touchscreen user interface and bluetooth or other network connection.
270Home EssentialsFurnishings hardware and disposables for use in homes or gardens including furniture fixtures tools tableware kitchen and bath wares.
271Household Cleaning ProductsCleaning products for personal property, such as detergents, waxes, and sponges. Excludes products for professional use.
272Home DecorHome decoration products like floor coverings, wall coverings, light fixtures, and curtains.
273Flooring MaterialsFloor finishing products: hardwoods, parquet, laminates, tiles, vinyl, carpeting.
274Floor coveringFloor covering typically consisting of upper layer pile attached backing.
275FurnitureFurniture items designed to assist different human activities like sitting and sleeping in beds or storing other objects.
276Interior TextilesTextiles fabric cloth turned products used furnish decorate homes carpeting curtains linens pillow covers blankets tablecloths towels fabrics used cover cushions seating.
277Light fixturesArtificial illumination devices for indoor or outdoor use, along with fixtures holding or displaying lights; examples include lamps, chandeliers, sconces, ceiling lights, spotlights, and landscape lighting. Can be fluorescent or incandescent.
278Coverings for wallsFinished look or decoration products for walls: wallpaper, paneling, tiling, faux finishes, wall hangings such as tapestries or textiles. Excludes sheetrock, drywall, and plaster.
279Home ToolsHome and garden tools including manual and automated devices such as rakes, screwdrivers and power drills.
280Garden ToolsTools for gardening, greenhouse, yard, and house plants include trowels, pruning shears, rakes, lawn mowers, and hedge trimmers, excluding farming or agriculture equipment.
281Portable tools for manual tasks in theTools portable enough to be easily maneuvered by hand include chisels, drills, hammers, pliers, saws, and wrenches. These tools can be manual or power tools.
282Tools forElectric gas compressed air powered motorized implements increase productivity precision convenience ease use professional home use includes power drills saws nail guns sanders polishers routers mowers.
283Household Paper ProductsDisposable paper products primarily for household use.
284Home goodsHome products like Pots, Pans, Silverware, Step Stools and Trash Cans.
285Recreational ProductsProducts for individuals with leisure time and extra money, such as sports and recreational gear, toys, and musical instruments but not consumer electronics.
286Exercise EquipmentExercise devices, such as free weights, weight-lifting machines and treadmills.
287Music CreationDevices such as brass, strings, and percussion instruments are used to create music.
288Personal RecreationPersonal recreation products such as bicycles, personal watercraft, and camping equipment.
289Athletic EquipmentSporting goods.
290Pools and BathsWater container for swimming or water recreation.
291Children's EntertainmentChildren's educational entertainment products.
292Personal items for the bodyProducts for personal use, such as clothing, accessories, cosmetics, and toiletries.
293MarijuanaProducts with cannabis or cannabinoids.
294Marijuana LegalizationLegally sold marijuana from retail or medical dispensaries.
295E-Cigarettes revolutionize tobaccoHandheld electronic devices that mimic the sensation of smoking tobacco.
296Fashion itemsClothing and accessories worn for practical purposes and to enhance appearance or design.
297GarmentGarments crafted from cloth, hide or other wearable substances.
298Accessories for FashionApparel accessories include gloves, purses, belts, ties, hats and scarves.
299Blooms and GreeneryFlowers cut fresh, potted plants, house plants.
300FootwearFootwear for work boots, sneakers, slippers, and specialized sports shoes.
301AdornmentOrnaments made of precious stones, metals, gems or imitation gems, such as rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Includes costume jewelry.
302Hygiene and BeautyHygiene and beauty products sold without a prescription, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, cosmetics, and fragrances.
303Beauty productsNon-prescription products applied to human body for aesthetic enhancement without altering structure or functions.
304Writing tools and materials used for writing, including envelopes, notepads, pens, and markers essential in the stationeryWriting implements and materials: paper, envelopes, notepads, pens, markers.
305Tobacco consumptionTobacco leaves are used to make consumer products such as cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and loose tobacco.
306Animal SuppliesPet care, grooming, food and supplies, including toys, pet handling devices and carriers.
307EducationEducational goods and services for profit focused on all levels of education from preschool to university including charter schools, prep schools, vocational schools, colleges, tutoring, test preparation, and supplies.
308Privately Run Schools in Public SectorPublicly funded primary and secondary schools operated privately with greater autonomy in selecting staff, designing curriculum, and establishing educational criteria.
309Continuing Education forFurther education beyond full-time studies includes certification, licensing, training programs, and higher education credits.
310Remote Learning and InstructionStudy Programs Offered To Students Away From Educational Facilities Including Correspondence Courses Online Classes And Webinars.
311Driving EducationCommercial instruction in automobile driving and road safety.
312Education Consulting for EducationHelping schools, parents, students on educational matters such as admissions, placement, and budgeting.
313EducationOnline and distance learning, scholarship brokers, test preparation, career counseling and educational support such as tutoring and academic counseling.
314Educational GuidanceGuidance services provide advice and information to prospective and enrolled students, assisting them in setting educational goals, scheduling courses, and planning for the future.
315Job GuidanceJob hunters are provided with employment advice and advocacy to help them achieve their professional ambitions and goals.
316Educational FundingFeeBasedEducationalEndowmentServicesCommercialProgramsWhichHelpApplicantsFindAndApplyForCharityOrGrantsAndSearchForFinancialAwards.
317Exam PreparationAssist with preparation and enhancement of scores on specialized tests like SATs and GREs, offering tutoring, courses, conducting practice tests, and providing study materials.
318Exam ServicesAdministering educational, assessment, civil service, or professional licensing exams.
319Education Services forSpecialized instructional programs provided by independent agencies, aimed at educating employees and potential employees on specific tasks and skills.
320Private TutoringPrivate non-school services or programs providing individual instruction Private Non-School Services Or Programs Providing Individual Instruction.
321School SuppliesEducational materials that support or enable programs, including books, computers, desks and specialized tools or equipment.
322Advanced LearningEducation provided beyond the secondary or high school level, including college, university, graduate or post-graduate study.
323Independent EducationPrivate companies or organizations own and operate primary and secondary schools, including boarding, preparatory, parochial schools, and academies.
324Professional EducationSchools offering professional degrees, licenses, or certifications, such as law, business, and medical schools.
325Skill Development SchoolsSchools providing skills in crafts tradesmanship or specialized vocations including carpentry electronics repair and culinary arts.
326FuelExploration, extraction, and transportation of raw fuel materials and production of consumer products based on them. Also includes equipment related to fuel materials and energy generation. Excludes electric utilities.
327Mining and production of coalMining and producing anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, and lignite coal.
328Coal ExtractionExtracting soft bituminous or hard anthracite coal from the earth, either by surface or underground mining.
329Coal ProspectingSearch for and identify coal deposits on Earth's surface or underground.
330Electricity Generation from CoalElectricity generation from coal combustion.
331Coal logisticsMoving coal and waste products to locations for burning as fuel, using rail and maritime transport.
332Atomic PowerControlled nuclear fission reactions generate power using fissionable materials, energy plants, and nuclear waste processing.
333Fissionable Materials in NuclearNuclear fission materials include uranium, plutonium, thorium, and actinide isotopes.
334Nuclear EnergyElectricity generation from nuclear reaction.
335Fuel ProcessingSeparating used nuclear fuel into components that can be reused, destroyed or disposed of stored Components include plutonium, actinides, radionuclides and metals.
336Natural resourcesLiquid or gaseous petroleum hydrocarbon materials can be refined into fuels, lubricants, chemicals, and other raw materials.
337Exploration Extraction ProductionOil and natural gas exploration, extraction, and production devices.
338Oil Gas Production OperationsExploration extraction transportation and refinement of oil and natural gas.
339Oil Gas ExplorationSearch and discovery of hydrocarbon deposits that produce crude oil and natural gas includes gravity, magnetic and seismic surveys, as well as drilling of exploration wells.
340Extraction of oil and gasExtraction of oil and natural gas from underground hydrocarbon deposits. Includes drilling, pumping and other recovery methods.
341EnergyCompanies Engaged in Upstream and Downstream Oil and Gas Operations Including Exploration, Extraction, Refinement, and Distribution.
342Oil Gas Pipeline TransportationOil and natural gas transportation over long distances via pipelines, involving management, development, construction of new pipelines, and related facilities.
343Oil Gas RefiningCrude oil processed into gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, natural gas processed into fuel gas and recovery of liquids such as propane and butane.
344Oil Gas ProductsDerived from crude oil and natural gas, as well as raw forms of the oil and gas itself. Includes crude oil, diesel fuel and gasoline, but not petrochemicals.
345Gas BottlingBottling or containing liquified petroleum gas in canisters and delivering containerized gas to customers.
346Raw PetroleumNaturally occurring unrefined flammable liquid, complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, organic compounds, found in rock formations beneath Earth's surface, used as source of energy.
347Fuel forBroad mixture of hydrocarbons produced during refining of crude petroleum for internal combustion in diesel engines.
348Engine Enhancers LubricantsMaterials designed to enhance engine performance, usually by reducing friction between components or by dispersing contaminants and enhancing fuel thickness.
349GasolineHighly flammable colorless liquid mixture of hydrocarbons produced by the fractional distillation of petroleum primarily used as fuel in internal combustion engines.
350Oil HeatingLiquid or liquefiable petroleum product used for heating or powering buildings.
351GasFlammable colorless gas hydrocarbon primarily methane and ethane.
352Shale and Tar SandsUnconventional sources of petroleum: oil sands are tar-like substances with bitumen that need extensive processing to be converted into usable oil, while shale gas is found in rock formations that require hydraulic fracturing with chemicals and water to extract.
353Specialty EnergyNon-automotive fuels include marine, ocean vessel, and jet fuel.
354Oil GasExploration, extraction, and transportation services for oil and natural gas. Includes drilling, pipeline, and maintenance services.
355Downstream Oil and Gas TransportationOil and gas transportation by trucking, shipping, and rail, along with logistics and other related services. Excludes pipeline systems.
356Oil Gas ExtractionOil and gas exploration and extraction by drilling companies specializing in well services.
357Crude Oil and Gas StorageTransportation and handling of raw and processed oil and gas.
358Field ServicesExploration and extraction services for oil and gas, including surveying, drilling, equipment leasing, and operational services.
359Sustainable PowerRenewable energy sources include sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat.
360Energy Generation EquipmentEnergy generation devices: solar arrays, wind turbines, fuel cells.
361Recaptured energy inEnergy recovery process, also known as energy recycling, utilizes wasted energy to generate electricity or thermal energy.
362Electricity production from fuel cellsDevices that generate electricity by chemical reaction between external fuel source like hydrogen or methane and oxidizing agent such as air or chlorine.
363Geothermal EnergyEquipment and setup to harness thermal properties of the earth or ground water for generating electricity, heat, or cooling.
364Warm Cool Device Transfer HeatBuilding HVAC System Transfers Heat from Low to High Temperature Reservoir.
365Solar PowerSunlight electricity conversion devices photovoltaic cells.
366Wind Energy ConversionWind-powered kinetic devices.
367Renewable EnergyReplenishable materials used as fuel to create energy, including ethanol, biomass and hydrogen.
368BiofuelsClean burning alternative fuels, produced from renewable biological resources called biomass.
369Organic fuel derived renewable basis availableDerived from organic biological material available on a renewable basis.
370Heat captureHeat generation and capture from engine, power plant or other energy source.
371Renewable FuelVolatile, flammable, colorless liquid Ethyl alcohol derived from agricultural feedstock widely used additive to gasoline.
372Hydrogen PowerElectricity generation by combining hydrogen (H2) with oxygen fuel.
373Waste Gas To EnergyGas produced naturally by landfills that is primarily composed of methane and harvested for use in generating electricity or thermal energy.
374Waste ManagementServices and equipment designed to alleviate and monitor the environmental impact of waste pollutants and other toxins.
375Eco-friendly Management Equipment for WasteEquipment that aids in minimizing environmental impact by businesses, government and individuals, including monitoring, recycling and filtration equipment.
376Air Filtration Devices for Air PurificationAir cleaning devices: air filters, monitors, blowers, particulate collectors, moisture meters, gas detectors, emissions detectors, air scrubbers, vapor recovery tools, VOC abatement tools.
377Filtering Devices for Air or WaterFiltering devices for air or water impurities or contaminants.
378Monitoring devices for hazardous substances inDevices that measure impurities or pollutants levels, or detect hazardous or toxic substances.
379Oil water separators important for waste management and environmental remediationEquipment or technology used for oil or suspended solids separation from water important for waste management and environmental cleanup.
380Radioactive substance detection technologyRadiation detection equipment or technology designed to detect radioactive substances in the environment.
381Recycling MachineryTechnology or devices used to collect sort clean compact or otherwise process recycled glass paper plastic metal.
382Remediation Devices inTechnology or devices used to purify or decontaminate water, soil or air any equipment that remedies an environmental problem Examples meters pumps analyzers samplers calibrators air strippers oxidizers extractors.
383Waste ManagementTrashCollectionVehiclesTrashCompactorsShreddersCrushersBalersDumpstersAndEquipmentUsedToCollectManageOrProcessWasteMaterials.
384Environmental SolutionsEnvironmentally friendly services for businesses, government, and individuals including consulting, remediation, and monitoring.
385Air Quality Monitoring forMonitor and test air quality for pollutants such as dust, particulates, contaminants, smog, emissions, chlorofluorocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and greenhouse or toxic gases.
386Environmental Advisors inEnvironmental impact advising, regulation compliance, sustainability assistance, waste management, hazard assessments, recycling, pollution control, abatement, conservation.
387Eco CleanupRemove or clean contaminants, reduce emissions and ecological threats, restore or conserve natural environment and ecological resources.
388Waste handlingWaste removal, treatment, storage and disposal, including landfill, hazardous waste and nuclear waste.
389E-Waste ManagementCollecting salvaging recycling or safely disposing of electronic equipment including computers cell phones televisions electronic appliances electronic scrap.
390Waste ManagementControlling hazardous materials such as chemical, toxic and biomedical waste.
391Waste ManagementIndustrial waste removal, treatment, and disposal, including effluent, sludge, solvents, and contaminants includes site cleanup and remediation.
392Waste disposalSites for final disposal of non-hazardous solid waste by compacting and burying under layers of earth and/or plastic.
393Nuclear waste managementHandling, storing or disposing of the hazardous byproducts of nuclear power, including spent fuel rods and other radioactive materials; also includes uranium and plutonium recycling. HANDLING, STORING OR DISPOSING OF THE HAZARDOUS BYPRODUCTS OF NUCLEAR POWER, INCLUDING SPENT FUEL RODS AND OTHER RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS; ALSO INCLUDES URANIUM AND PLUTONIUM RECYCLING.
394Oil ExtractionOil removal from soil, sludge, water, waste or recycled materials; oil and petroleum recycling.
395Materials RecyclingProcess used materials paper plastic glass metals reuse new products.
396Waste CollectionGarbage pickup and removal, including trash haulers and carting companies.
397Waste ManagementHandling, removing, treating, storing, disposing or recycling of environmental, hazardous, nuclear, medical or industrial wastes includes pollution control, degassing, wastewater and sewage treatment, and effluent and vapor controls.
398WaterWater collection and distribution, drinking water production, wastewater treatment and reuse, water cycle management.
399FinanceMoney and commodities management, banking, investing, credit institutions, products, services, pawn shops, real estate investment trusts.
400Financial ServicesMoney management and transfer services for individuals, such as check cashing, financial planning, and mortgage brokers.
401Cash ServicesCash payouts from banks, merchants or cashing services to individuals presenting drafts against financial accounts for equivalent amounts; in addition to electronic check and bill payment services, payday loans and check advances.
402Coin counting machines in the currencyDevices counting loose coins, known as currency counters (which also tally stacked paper money); consist of digital coin jars, and any mechanical or electronic coin counters similar to those from Coinstar.
403Debt ResolutionAssisting consumers in paying off debt, improving credit standing, and facilitating communication between debtors and creditors for debt relief or settlement.
404Financial StrategyPlanners review client's financial situation, provide advice on managing, investing and building financial assets.
405Payment ServicesRemittance services transferring money from debtor to creditor, often electronically; includes wire transfers, mobile payments, bank drafts and cashiers checks.
406Home Loan Intermediaries industry mortgage brokersIntermediaries between lenders and borrowers facilitating home loan financing or refinancing transactions.
407Financial marketsOrganized marketplaces for handling the transfer of ownership through purchase or sale of securities, options, futures contracts, and derivatives of those products.
408Trading CurrencyTrading monetary currencies and related contracts in commercial markets.
409Cryptocurrency ExchangesCommercial markets for trading digital currencies for other assets including other digital currencies or conventional fiat money.
410Financial SupportServices that support the lending, borrowing and transfer of money by businesses, including credit card services, credit ratings agencies, clearing services and automated tellers.
411Automatic Teller Machines revolutionize bankingRemote kiosks provide financial services such as cash withdrawal, deposits, funds transfer, and account access.
412Credit ReportingFirms track credit information on consumers, formulate credit scores, and charge fees for credit reports based on the collected information.
413Card PaymentMerchant Accounts Transaction Processing Electronic Check Credit Card Processing Credit Card Terminals.
414Bitcoin GenerationGenerate new bitcoins solving complex math problems validate currency transactions.
415Debt recoveryBusinesses that seek payment for unpaid bills, taking a percentage of the recovered money or that buy debts below full value and then seek to collect the full amount keeping the difference.
416Electronic TransferTransfer money electronically from one account to another using computerized systems for payment or money transfer, such as direct deposit, direct debit, and online banking.
417Financial Regulation Services forFinancial regulatory compliance services for companies filing forms and following guidelines.
418Administration Services for InvestmentSupporting services for running collective investment schemes such as mutual funds, hedge funds, and pension funds.
419Interbank Payment Services in BankingMoney transfer between financial institutions for a fee.
420Payment SolutionsPayments processing, credit card processing and other payments services are provided for merchants, including credit card terminals and other processing equipment.
421Financial RatingsFinancial strength ratings for credit, insurance, bonds, and securities.
422Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) assist creditGovernment-established corporations assist lenders and borrowers to enhance credit availability and reduce costs.
423Investment and Brokerage ServicesPurchasing assets with the anticipation of gaining profits like interest, income, or value appreciation, or aiding in the acquisition of such assets.
424Asset ControlManagement of securities and other assets for the benefit of investors, including institutions, individual clients and collective investment schemes such as mutual funds.
425Asset ManagementAccredited individuals or institutional investors pool capital in investment funds to invest in a variety of assets using complex portfolio construction and risk management techniques.
426Large Scale TradingLarge volume traders include pension funds and endowments.
427Investment FundInvestment fund that raises money from shareholders and invests in stocks, bonds, or futures. All shareholders share equally in gains and losses generated by the fund.
428Wealth ManagementBanks catering personalized financial wealth management services high income clients.
429Asset ManagementAsset and securities management for individual clients.
430Securities TradersFirms engaged in proprietary and agency trading.
431Financial Intermediary ServicesFacilitating the purchase of securities or other assets as an intermediary between buyer and seller, including brokers for stocks, bonds, commodities and options.
432Bond IntermediaryFacilitating the purchase of corporate and government bonds as an intermediary between buyer and seller.
433Brokerage ServicesFacilitating the purchase of commodity contracts as an intermediary between buyer and seller.
434Brokerage Options in theFacilitating the purchase of options contracts as an intermediary between buyer and seller.
435Retail TradingFacilitating purchase of securities or assets for individual clients as intermediary between buyer and seller, brokers for stocks, bonds, commodities and options.
436Equity Shares IntermediaryFacilitating the Purchase of Corporate Equity Shares as an Intermediary Between Buyer and Seller.
437Investment Firms in SecuritiesCompanies acting as underwriter or agent that serve as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and investors Most investment banks also operate as broker dealers.
438New Business InvestmentInvesting in new startups with high profit potential, but also high investment risks.
439Loan ProfitingLending money to individuals or other businesses and profiting by charging interest to the borrower or reselling the loan contracts to third parties.
440Financial Institutions andEnterprisesEngagedInAcceptingDepositsAndEarningRevenueMainlyByProvidingLoansWithInterest.
441Mutual Banks emphasizing mortgagesMember owned lenders that offer consumer banking services, with a focus on mortgage lending.
442Government banks issuing currency. Administering monetary policy. Holding bank reserves. Engaging in open market transactions. BankingNational government banks issue currency, administer monetary policy, hold deposits representing reserves of other banks and engage open market transactions.
443Development banks revitalizing communitiesRetail banks boost economic development in low- and moderate-income areas.
444Credit Unions. Democratic bankingBanks with democratically elected boards and fair profit distribution.
445Cooperative banksNonprofit lenders offering retail banking services linked to specific entities or communities.
446Expanded Financial ServicesBanks that offer services beyond traditional banking, such as asset management, research, and brokerage services.
447Socially responsible bankingBanks take into account the social, ethical and environmental implications of their investment and lending decisions.
448Local Bank Sector inLocally owned and managed banks.
449Sharia Compliant BankingIslamic banks do not pay or accept interest on loans and investments that contradict Islamic principles.
450Banking Service for CompaniesInstitutions that provide management and brokerage services to businesses instead of individuals.
451Mortgage Lenders in theMortgage lending banks.
452National Money Center BanksLarge banks with national charters and operations that span significant geographic areas, often internationally.
453Offshore bankingBanks catering to international clients for tax, privacy, and legal benefits.
454Virtual BankingInternet provided traditional banking services.
455Regional BankingRegional banks.
456Deposit LendingAccept savings deposits and specialize in mortgage and other consumer loans.
457Business FinancingLending money to businesses in forms like small business loans, asset-based loans and infrastructure finance.
458Asset Backed Financing forLending money to businesses where the loan is secured by the company assets including inventory, equipment and accounts receivable.
459Finance InfrastructureLend money for building or renovating infrastructure, such as roads, airports, and utility projects.
460Consumer lendingLending money to individual borrowers through methods such as credit cards, car loans and direct loans Doesn't include mortgage lenders.
461Car LoansConsumer automobile loans.
462Card IssuingLend money to individuals by issuing a revolving line of credit accessible with a plastic card for purchases.
463POS LendingInstant approval financing whether online or in person that usually happens right before a consumer purchase.
464Internet LoansOnline money lending services provided.
465Food and BeverageManufacturing, processing and distribution of animal, vegetable, fruit, grain or dairy products for human consumption including solid foods, mixes, beverages and tobacco doesn't include agriculture or pet food production.
466DrinksHuman consumption liquids such as alcoholic drinks, milk, teas, juices, soda and bottled water.
467Beverage AlcoholDrinks for human consumption including beer wine and liquor.
468Brewed beverageAlcoholic drinks made by fermenting starches derived from cereal grains with yeast.
469Alcoholic beveragesDistilled Alcoholic Drinks Made From Fermented Fruits, Vegetables And Grains.
470Grape Juice FermentationAlcoholic drinks made by fermenting grape juice.
471Drink Packaging and DistributionCombining commercially sold drink ingredients and packaging in bottles or cans, distributing products to wholesalers and retailers.
472Nonalcoholic BeverageNonalcoholic drinks for human consumption, including soft drinks, coffee and juice.
473Tea BottlingPrepared tea stored in glass, plastic, or cans for future consumption.
474Packaged waterDistilled or spring water in plastic, glass, or cans. Not seltzer, tonic, or soda water.
475Brewed CoffeeBeverages made from brewing roasted crushed coffee beans with water.
476Milk ProductsMilk derived from cows goats or other animals and marketed for human consumption as well as drinks made from milk or its byproducts.
477BeverageDrinks made from fruit or vegetable juice, either extracted directly or in flavored liquids.
478Drink MixesPowdered or condensed forms of dairy, tea, coffee or juice products that can be reconstituted as liquids also called instant drinks.
479Fizzy drinks in beverageCarbonated nonalcoholic beverages usually sweetened and flavored often referred to as soft drinks.
480Hydration beverages for sportsBeverages intended for rehydration, energy boosting, electrolyte replenishment, nutrient or carbohydrate intake during or after physical activity.
481Beverage from leavesBeverage derived from entire leaves or leaf powder of a tropical perennial plant; steeped in water for flavor extraction. Varieties include black, white, green, and yellow based on levels of leaf oxidation.
482Edible productsFood for human consumption, such as fresh, processed, and packaged products Does not cover agriculture.
483Food processingProcessRawAgriculturalIngredientsHarvestedCropsAnimalProductsFinishedFoodProductsWholesaleRetailSale.
484Food ProcessingProducing finished food products from raw dairy milk for wholesale or retail distribution, such as pasteurizing, homogenizing, and curdling.
485Oils and FatsFood substance made wholly or in part from a fat or oil other than that of milk, including vegetable oil, mayonnaise and animal fats.
486Processing fruits and vegetablesCut fresh fruits and vegetables, foods from fruits or vegetables, then canned or packaged.
487Grain and Rice ProcessingGrain processing into final food products for wholesale or retail distribution.
488Animal product processingProcessing raw animal products into final food products for wholesale or retail sale, which includes rendering, butchering, and meatpacking.
489Vegetarian Protein Alternatives in FoodMeat, eggs and dairy products made from vegetarian ingredients like tofu or pea-protein that mimic the taste or appearance of animal products.
490Seafood ProductionProcessing raw seafood into packaged products for sale, which includes removing skin, gutting, and cutting into fillets.
491Processed FoodCommercial processed food in packaging, such as frozen, canned, and other preserved items.
492Sweet confectionsSweet confections combining sugar, water, flavorings and other ingredients like cocoa, fruits or nuts.
493Processed FoodFood processed with preservatives and other additives like colorings, and sealed in airtight containers to prevent spoiling and to allow for long distance shipment and distribution to stores.
494BakeryBaking breads cakes pies cookies doughnuts brownies pastries etc for profit.
495Seasoning and FlavoringsSeasonings flavorings dressings spreads etc used for cooking or as complementary toppings with other foods.
496Frozen foodsFood preserved by freezing to extend shelf life and enable widespread distribution.
497Frozen TreatFrozen sweet milk blend with sugar, butterfat and other ingredients - dessert or snack.
498Snack ItemsFoods packaged small, often salty or sweet, not meant as main meal; sometimes called junk food.
499Wood productsGrowing and harvesting trees, producing consumer products from the material. Includes forestry management services and timber production equipment.
500Forest EquipmentMachinery and tools for managing or harvesting forestland as well as use in logging and sawmill operations, including clearing, loading, transporting and firewood equipment Forest management machinery and tools for logging and sawmill operations, including equipment for clearing, loading, transporting, and firewood.
501Timber HarvestingHarvesting and processing trees, including logging, milling and pulping operations.
502Timber HarvestingCutting down or harvesting trees, including clear cutting, delimbing, underwater logging and transporting logs to mills.
503Wood ProcessingCutting trees to make boards or lumber for wood products or construction.
504Wood ProcessingTurning cut trees into pulp or wood chips, as well as extracting cellulose for use in wood and paper products.
505Wood ProductsProducts Made From the Milling and Pulping of Harvested Trees Including Paper, Packaging, Cellulose and Wood Products Like Furniture and Construction Materials.
506Paper packagingHeavy, puncture-resistant paper layers with short-fiber, fluted paper. Usually used for boxes and packaging.
507Wood Pulp ProductionThin material made from wood pulp which is cellulose fibers derived from wood rags or other material and dried.
508Wood Fiber PackagingPackaging containers and wrappings made from materials derived of wood fiber including paper cartonboard cardboard and corrugated board.
509Timber ProcessingTurning Lumber Into Furniture, Cabinetry, Crates, Pallets, or Building Materials Like Molding, Flooring, Veneers, Doors and Decking.
510Wood pulp cellulose paperTurn wood pulp or cellulose into paper, fibers, wicker, cork boards, molded materials and packaging products, cellophane, filtration systems and insulation.
511Forest Management ServicesSupport services and consulting for the forestry industry, such as land and forest management, fire prevention, timber security, and mapping.
512Gov & NonprofitsGovernment entities responsible for public welfare, including safety, education and housing, plus private groups with a similar purpose, such as chambers of commerce and nonprofit groups.
513Government ServicesGovernment services provided for public good include police, fire, emergency medical services, and prisons.
514Corrections in criminal justiceMonitoring, Housing and Guarding of Criminal Detainees Including Prisons, Detention Centers, Counselors and Parole Officers.
515Safety ServicesFire Police and Emergency Medical Services.
516EMSOut of hospital acute medical care and transport to definitive care for patients with illnesses and injuries.
517Fire DepartmentFire Suppression and Prevention of Accidental, Maliciously Created or Naturally Occurring Fires.
518Law EnforcementPrevention and investigation of criminal activity, maintenance of public order and safety.
519Advocacy organizationsGroups advocating for non-profit organizations include charities, chambers of commerce, trade associations, and public interest groups.
520Humanitarian AidNGO providing disaster relief, refugee aid.
521Animal Welfare Organizations advocating animal rights in theAnimal advocates promote better treatment and extended rights for animals, such as humane societies, animal rescue, adoption, anti-hunting, and animal liberation groups.
522Business Groups inBusiness people create alliances and organizations, such as chambers of commerce, marketing associations, business advisory groups, and small business sponsors.
523Business organizations promotingBusiness people associations promoting business climates and policies.
524Organizations in SocialNon-profit shared interest groups like civic, homeowner, tenant and crime watch associations; fraternal and alumni associations.
525Education organizationsNotForProfitGroupsSupportingEducationalGoalsIssuesOrInterestsIncludingTeacherAssociationsSchoolParentsOrSchoolSupportAndStudentGroups.
526Environment Conservation WildlifeNonprofit groups supporting environment, conservation, wildlife issues, lobbying related to those issues.
527Rights Advocacy Groups promoting human rights in theNonprofit organizations supporting fundamental rights and freedoms for everyone.
528Worker Groups SupportingNotForProfitGroupsOfWorkersSupportingBetterWorkingConditionsBenefitsAndPayForWorkersRepresentWorkersInLaborNegotiationsWithCompaniesAsWellAsLobbyingGovernmentsForProLaborPolices.
529Political Groups in thePoliticalPartiesPoliticalActionCommitteesVotersGroupsAndOrganizationsDefinedBySpecificPoliticalPerspectives.
530Professional Groups in theProfessional networking groups of non-profit organizations.
531Faith-BasedChurches, faith-based organizations, and religious societies focus on specific religious beliefs.
532Small Business Groups for the Small BusinessGroups or alliances for small business participants.
533Advocacy OrganizationsAdvocacy groups promoting social issue policies such as civil rights groups, community groups, grassroots organizations.
534Trade Organizations Advocating Influence onNonprofit groups advocating or seeking to influence trade policies.
535Medical servicesIllness and good health treatment services and equipment, including inpatient and outpatient facilities, home care services, diagnostics, medical supplies and equipment, and related software services.
536Medical FacilitiesProvide medical care in hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities, and group medical practices.
537Elderly DaycareFacilities for elderly and handicapped individuals activities and social stimulation.
538Outpatient medical facilitiesOutpatient medical facilities include cancer centers, surgery centers, and outpatient clinics.
539Living AssistanceResidential facilities that provide supervision and assistance with the activities of daily living, including health monitoring".
540Body Scan CentersFacilities that provide whole-body scanning services, including computed tomography scans, as their primary focus.
541Cancer Treatment Centers in HealthcareFacilities specializing in cancer diagnosis and treatment, including those affiliated with hospitals and other medical institutions.
542Health Clinics Serving Community Patients Without Insurance in HealthcareOutpatient primary care facilities for uninsured local patients.
543Disabled CareHousing and treating facilities for patients with long-term mental and physical impairments, such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and autism.
544Medical Imaging CentersMedical imaging facilities, such as radiology, nuclear medicine, and positional information services.
545Renal TreatmentFacilities that provide dialysis treatment for patients with kidney disease, renal failure, and other medical conditions.
546Clinics for Family Planning in the HealthcareFacilities that assist in planning for children, including counseling on birth control, abortion and the prevention and management of sexually transmitted disease.
547Fertility AssistancePatients can achieve pregnancy with the help of facilities providing infertility testing, in-vitro fertilization, and intra-uterine insemination.
548End-of-Life CareEnd-of-life care facilities providing palliative treatment for terminally ill patients.
549Medical facilitiesMedical facilities provide comprehensive care for inpatients and outpatients, offering services such as emergency care, surgery, obstetrics, and psychiatric treatment.
550Psychiatric Treatment FacilitiesPsychiatric treatment facilities for patients with chronic or acute mental illness or behavioral disorders.
551Elderly CareFacilities providing ongoing nursing care for elderly or disabled patients with significant physical and mental impairments.
552Physical TherapyFacilities that treat physical dysfunction or injury with therapeutic exercise and other modalities to restore or facilitate normal function.
553Group Medical PracticesGroup of physicians who collaborate in diagnosing and treating patients through shared facilities and resources, and co-own those resources.
554Sleep MedicineSleep and sleep disorders research facilities linked to medical institutions.
555Treatment Centers for Substance AbuseTreatment facilities for patients dependent on alcohol, drugs and other chemical substances.
556HealthcareDirect patient care services, such as diagnostics, billing, staffing, medical transportation, managed care services, and home healthcare.
557Teeth CareDental care services focused on oral health.
558Clinical TestingTesting clinical specimens in laboratory to diagnose and study medical condition of patients.
559Medical TourismFacilitating medical tourism services.
560In-Home HealthcareProvide medical care for patients in their home, including monitoring, treatment and daily care.
561Healthcare Management ServicesOrganizing medical treatment and payment as an intermediary between patients and providers, including health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations and point of service organizations Organizing medical treatment and payment as an intermediary between patients and providers, including health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations and point of service organizations.
562Billing ServicesCollecting fees on behalf of healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics and physicians.
563Medical Staffing ServicesSuppliers of Part-time and Full-time Medical Staff to Healthcare Providers, Including Nurses, Lab Assistants, Therapists and Doctors.
564Medical transportTransporting medical patients, emergency personnel or medical tissue and organs.
565Nutrition Services in HealthcareNutrition counseling and education to support health through meal provision.
566Organ, Blood and Sperm CollectionCollecting storing and providing physiological materials including blood organs cells and sperm for research diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
567Pharmacy Benefit Management Services in HealthcareManagement of prescription drug programs, processing and paying claims, and negotiating discounts and rebates with pharmacies and drug makers.
568Health TechSystems used to enhance patient care: computers, networks, video conferencing, and telemedicine.
569Healthcare Data SystemsSystems and software programs facilitating storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of healthcare information.
570Medical AutomationDesign, Fabrication and Programming of Functional Robotic Systems for Medical Use.
571Healthcare MobileMobile communication devices support medicine and health services.
572Remote Patient Monitoring in HealthcarePatients monitoring outside clinical settings, including home monitoring.
573Digital healthHardware, software, and services transmitting medical information for diagnosis or treatment of patients.
574Medical EquipmentMedical products are essential for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating conditions while being heavily regulated by governments to ensure safety.
575Diagnostic Medical Equipment in HealthcareProducts used in detecting and diagnosing disease and disorders without the use of biological samples, including imaging and patient monitoring equipment.
576Bone Health DevicesDevices used to measure bone density to check for osteoporosis, including dual energy X-ray absorptiometers and dual photon absorptiometers.
577Medical imagingVisual information display devices for diagnosis and disease detection include flat panel and traditional screens.
578Imaging Devices for MedicalDevices that create images of the human body for detection and diagnosis of medical conditions include electron microscopes, X-ray machines, magnetic resonance imagers, and ultrasound equipment.
579Health Monitoring DevicesDevices that monitor the condition and health of patients and continuously display the results on a screen or via numerical readouts Includes portable and stationary devices.
580Bioimplants in healthcareDevices within the body replaces missing or damaged biological structure or improves existing structure.
581Implanted Breast DevicesDevices surgically implanted in body for purpose of altering size and shape of human breasts.
582Heart ValveTissue compatible devices surgically implanted heart patients heart vascular disease including mechanical biological.
583Pacemaker technologyMedical devices implanted in tissue, using electrical impulses delivered by electrodes to regulate heart rhythm.
584Artificial limbs and organs for humans in the medicalDevices compatible with tissue surgically implanted into human body as substitute or replacement for limbs, joints, teeth and eyes.
585Vascular implants. Tissue compatible devices inserted into vessels to maintain openness for medical purposes in the healthcareSurgically inserted tissue-compatible devices into vessels or passageways to keep them open.
586Medical DevicesMedical treatment equipment regulated by governments includes defibrillators, insulin pumps, and radiosurgery equipment.
587Brain stimulators for medicalDevices that deliver a constant low electrical stimulation to the brain for surgical treatment of movement and mental disorders Also referred to as brain stimulators.
588Heart rhythm correction devicesDevices that administer a brief electric shock to correct heart irregularities like fibrillation, tachycardia, or arrhythmia and return the heart to its normal rhythm. Includes both internal and external devices.
589Kidney Replacement Products in HealthcareProducts used to replace lost kidney function by removing wastes and water from the blood through external filters or through the bodies own peritoneal membrane, primarily to treat renal failure.
590Liquid Administration EquipmentAdministering liquids directly into veins by using products such as hypodermic needles, catheters, implantable ports, and infusion pumps.
591Pump Insulin DeliveryInsulin administering devices for continuous subcutaneous delivery of diabetes treatment.
592Laser Medical EquipmentDevices treating patients with lasers, highly focused light beams for cutting, removing, or cauterizing tissue.
593Stereotactic Radiosurgery Devices in the MedicalNoninvasive devices delivering ionizing radiation for treating tumors, lesions, and malformations, such as stereotactic devices, linear accelerators, lasers, and robotic positioning devices.
594Respiratory DevicesProducts used in the diagnosis and care of acute or chronic respiratory disorders, including nebulizers, spirometers, ventilators and oximeters.
595Chemical and Diagnostic DevicesDevices for testing bodily substances such as blood, saliva, urine and tissue, or to measure biological molecules, including DNA, RNA, proteins, antibodies, antigens, metabolites and other chemicals.
596Automated bioanalyzers in the medicalAutomated devices testing bodily substances for biological molecules with minimal human assistance, including immuno-based analyzers, hematology analyzers, and cell counters.
597Home Health Testing DevicesDevices that test bodily substances for biological molecules in the home or at the point of care Primarily portable devices such as glucose meters and test kits.
598In Vitro Molecular DiagnosticsDevices testing bodily substances for biological molecules in a test tube or controlled environment outside a living organism, including reagents, calibrators and control materials.
599Medical Gas Delivery SystemsMedical gases and delivery systems for patients. Includes oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Excludes portable oxygen equipment.
600Polymer MedicalHigh molecular weight polymers molded, extruded, drawn or shaped and hardened for use in medical products.
601Specialized Medical EquipmentMedical specialists use products for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment including dental, orthopedic, and surgical equipment.
602Cardiac Monitoring EquipmentMedical devices for cardiovascular disease diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment.
603Dentistry EquipmentDiagnostic, monitoring, and treatment products for dental patients.
604Medical Devices for DiabetesDiagnosis, monitoring and treatment products for diabetic patients including blood glucose meters, insulin pumps and testing supplies.
605Medical Emergency EquipmentEmergency medical procedure products: cervical collars, splints, combitubes, defibrillators, face shields, endotracheal tubes.
606Medical EquipmentHospital products for patient diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment, such as X-ray viewers, catheters, and bedside monitors.
607Medical devices for eye careDevices for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating eye diseases and disorders include ophthalmoscopes, keratometers, autorefractors, and contact lenses.
608Bone HealthProducts for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of skeletal system injuries, diseases, or disorders and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.
609Medical Oxygen EquipmentMedical oxygen administration products including delivery systems, tanks and concentrators.
610Medical InstrumentsSurgical instruments such as bone chisels, forceps, retractors, scalpels, and suction tubes.
611Medical Devices for UrologyDiagnostic, monitoring, and treatment products for urinary tract and urogenital system disorders, including ureteric catheters, cystoscopes, and lithotripters.
612Healthcare SuppliesDiagnosis, monitoring, and treatment products for medical conditions are lightly regulated or unregulated by most governments, including ambulatory equipment, laboratory equipment, disposables, and durable medical equipment.
613Mobility AssistanceMobility assistance products such as walkers, crutches, and wheelchairs.
614Medical DisposablesDisposable medical products such as syringes, examination gloves, and patient tubing.
615Durable Reusable Medical Equipment for HealthcareDurable medical equipment includes blood pressure cuffs, beds, and crutches.
616Medical Home EquipmentProducts used for care of patients at home, including nebulizers, catheters and wheelchairs.
617Medical EquipmentHospitals use products for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of patients that are lightly regulated or unregulated by most governments, including autoclaves, bed pans, beds, furniture, thermometers, and hollowware.
618Medical Test KitsSingle use materials for medical testing.
619Lab Medical EquipmentInstruments, Technologies, Machines, Appliances and Other Tools Used in Laboratories Conducting Medical or Clinical Research, Development and Diagnosis.
620Medical packaging materialsMaterials used to package and label medical products, including aseptic packaging, blister packs, vacuum packaging and tamper proof seals.
621Information mediaGathering, producing and disseminating information and entertainment includes television and radio broadcasting, cable and internet transmission, traditional publishing as well as data retrieval and knowledge management.
622Media DistributionTelevision, radio, video, internet, GPS, and communication services are delivered to households and businesses via satellite transmissions or landlines.
623Data ServicesElectronic information access news retrieval libraries archives information search storage services.
624Managing data forOrganizing information or electronic records, including databases, file conversion, indexing and metadata application.
625Knowledge ManagementOrganizing and leveraging the information, intellectual assets and tacit knowledge within an organization into a repository or system allowing useful access, retrieval and distribution Organize and leverage information, intellectual assets and tacit knowledge within an organization into a repository or system allowing useful access, retrieval and distribution.
626Information storageHousing collection organization preservation information physical electronic documents.
627Service DiscoveryHardware and software systems helping explore and retrieve electronic documents or access data in documents.
628Services Syndication for NewsLicense news and information sources by content aggregators for customer distribution.
629Digital MediaInternet-distributed information and entertainment, including online publishing, content aggregation and syndication.
630Audio StreamingAudio services delivered on demand over the internet or other telecom network audioServicesDeliveredOnDemandOverTheInternetOrOtherTelecomNetwork.
631On-demand videoVideo services delivered on demand over the internet or other telecom network.
632FilmProduction distribution and presentation of motion pictures including movie studios production and post production companies theater and home video.
633Film DistributionMarketing and Circulation of Motion Pictures to Movie Theaters, as well as Sales and Rentals through Electronic Transmission and Physical Distribution.
634Film TheaterTheatrical movie exhibition.
635Digital Film DownloadsOnline sales of movies or videos delivered electronically, directly from the Internet to a television or computer.
636Movie RentalTemporary use of a movie in physical form or through electronic transmission.
637Movie DistributionSale of movies on physical media does not include streaming or electronic downloads.
638Film ProductionCreate films from start to finish, including development, pre and post-production, filming and editing.
639MusicProduction distribution and presentation of audio recordings including record labels compact discs and electronic distribution.
640Music Distribution in MusicMarketing and distribution of recorded music or other audio for radio, CDs, downloads, etc; also includes royalty agreements and sales of record label catalogs.
641Download MusicOnline music sales delivered directly from the internet to computer or other electronic device.
642Physical Music SalesSales of music at stores or kiosks also online sales if shipped to buyers but not if downloaded.
643Sound ProductionDevelopment and recording of music or other audio for recording companies or independent producers, including studio or live recordings.
644Printed MaterialPrinted material preparation and issuance, books, magazines, newspapers, directories, greeting cards.
645Printed literaturePrinted literary work on a set of pages fastened along one side and encased in a protective cover includes electronic books and monographs.
646Directories and Guides ProductionProduce and market directories like phone books, yellow pages and catalogs.
647Greeting CardsGreeting or sentiment folded cards for special occasions or holidays.
648Academic publications about scholarly, scientific topics. No trade journals. PublishingPeriodic publication of academic, scholarly or scientific literature Doesn't include trade journals.
649Press MediaDaily or weekly publication of news, editorial and other print content including paid advertisements. Includes online version of print publications.
650News publications for advertisingPeriodic publication of news, features and other print content including paid advertisements Includes magazines, trade journals and their online versions.
651Database PrintingProduce, print, or distribute data extracted from computer-searchable records or files; for instance, compiling a CD-ROM with data from a comprehensive database.
652Radio broadcastingAudio content broadcast via terrestrial or satellite transmission, including radio stations and radio production companies. Excludes record companies.
653Radio programming distributionMarketing and circulation of radio programming for network, satellite, syndicated or independent radio broadcast.
654Radio BroadcastingAudioProgrammingTransmittedByElectronicSignalsAcrossAirwavesUsingANetworkOfCommunicationsTowers.
655Space CommunicationAudio programming transmitted by electronic signals from Earth to receivers orbiting in space and then retransmitted back to electronic receivers on Earth.
656Radio BroadcastingDeveloping and marketing radio programming for network, syndicated or independent radio broadcasting.
657Publishing softwareDistribute and sell entertainment and information software online or through electronic storage media such as CD-ROMs.
658Interactive EntertainmentInteractive multimedia programs with an entertainment function.
659Video contentProduction distribution presentation video content transmitted cable terrestrial satellite broadcast including television networks independent stations cable companies tv production companies.
660TV Content DistributionMarketing and circulation of TV programs for broadcast, cable, or satellite.
661Televised ProgrammingTraditional television programming delivered via electronic signals over airwaves is now more frequently distributed through extensive cable services.
662Television Content DeliveryCable-delivered television programming, unavailable through traditional broadcasts.
663Video On Demand & Pay-Per-View Services in theCommercial distribution of a specific piece of live or recorded video content in exchange for payment usually through a set-top box digital video recorder or computer.
664Satellite TVSatellite-delivered television programming locally generated or by national networks, syndicates, or production companies.
665TV ProductionDeveloping and producing local, network or syndicated television programs.
666InsuranceRisk hedging services compensate for potential future losses in exchange for a premium or specified payment system.
667Crop InsuranceAgricultural producers can purchase insurance to safeguard against revenue loss from commodities market declines or crop loss from disasters like hail, fire, or lightning.
668Medical CoverageHealth insurance covers dental, medical, disability, and long-term care expenses.
669Dental Coverage inDental treatment insurance coverage.
670Income ProtectionInsurance designed to pay benefits if the policyholder is incapable of working, including paid sick leave, short-term disability and long-term disability.
671Coverage for Long-Term Care in the InsuranceLong-term care insurance covers expenses for medical care, including assisted living and rehabilitation.
672Health Coverage for MedicalMedical care expense coverage insurance.
673Health Insurance OptionsOrganized marketplaces through which employees can enroll in a selection of health insurance plans.
674Insurance IntermediaryLicensed organization agents act intermediaries insurance buyers sellers usually charging commission.
675Life Coverage in InsuranceLife insurance.
676Property Casualty InsuranceProperty damage insurance covers expenses for damage to property like cars, homes, fire, or flood.
677Accidental Injury Insurance Designed forInsurance designed to pay benefits if the policyholder experiences accidental death or maiming, including the severing of a limb or loss of eyesight.
678Car insuranceCoverage for losses and liabilities from road accidents and damages to vehicles.
679Commercial Coverage forCover expenses related to business liability, litigation, financial loss and loss of physical assets.
680Earthquake Coverage forEarthquake-related expenses insurance.
681Fire Coverage in InsuranceFire damage insurance for business or residence.
682Flood Coverage in InsuranceFlood insurance covers costs for flood damage or erosion caused by floods.
683House CoverageHomeowners insurance covers expenses related to the home, including structural damage, personal property damage or theft, and liability.
684Abduction coverage for the insuranceAbduction expense insurance.
685Financial Protection IndustryLitigation expense insurance.
686Negligence Coverage for Professionals in theInsurance covering costs for legal claims of negligence or malpractice typically involving doctors, lawyers, or other professionals.
687Marine RiskMarine insurance covering loss and liability expenses for accidents and damage to vessels or cargo transported by them.
688Mortgage ProtectionMortgage Lender Expense Insurance From Borrower Credit Default Loss.
689Animal Medical Coverage in Pet InsuranceMedical care or pet loss insurance.
690Political Risk Coverage for InsurancePolicy covering costs arising from financial loss caused by political or civil unrest, insurrection, terrorism, or war, including business interruption or asset confiscation.
691Property Damage InsuranceProperty damage insurance coverage.
692Guarantee Bonds. Coverage for contract failures in insuranceThird party liability insurance covers expenses related to the failure of a third party to fulfill contractual obligations.
693Terrorism Coverage in InsuranceTerrorism-related expenses insurance.
694Theft Crime Insurance forCrime-related theft or loss insurance.
695Title Protection Insurance in Real EstateTitle insurance covers expenses for challenges to legal title, including legal fees, liabilities, and losses.
696Trip CoverageTravel personal loss insurance.
697Reinsurance in insuranceInsurance covering loss expenses for other insurers on their policies.
698ManufacturingGoods and materials are typically produced in bulk using either machinery or by hand.
699Energy storageElectrochemical cells produce electric energy enable power when charged.
700Construction MaterialsBuilding and construction materials include roofing, siding, flooring, plumbing, HVAC, and insulation.
701Building InsulationBuilding construction material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat, sound or electricity.
702Aggregate Binder BuildingComposite building material made from the combination of aggregate and a binder such as cement.
703Doors WindowsBuilding construction frames and hardware.
704Construction and RepairGeneral purpose construction and repair devices and structural components for this activity.
705Heating Ventilation Air ConditioningBuilding Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling Systems.
706Stone MasonryStone, block or brick products for masons to build stonework or brickwork.
707WoodworkingWood-planed mill products manufactured include moldings, doors, doorframes, and cabinets.
708Plumbing SuppliesPipes fixtures and other apparatus of a water gas or sewage system manufactured for use by plumbers.
709Covering materials for roofingRoof covering materials include corrugated metal, sheet metal, shingles, slate, thatch, or tile; they typically offer waterproofing, wind-proofing, and thermal insulation.
710Exterior cladding used in constructionExterior cladding on frame buildings protects from water, wind, and temperature using vinyl or aluminum.
711Sheet PanelsSheets or panels fastened to building frame for interior finish with gypsum plaster.
712Apparel ProductionManufacturing machinery for apparel and other garments such as sewing machines, looms, and weaving apparatus.
713Materials ManufacturingComposite materials made from separate constituent materials.
714Electric Manufacturing ComponentsElectricity conducting components and equipment, such as conduits, circuit breakers, turbines, generators, and wiring.
715Electric PartsAn electronic component capable of amplifying or controlling voltages and currents without the need for mechanical or non-electrical signals, or of switching voltages and currents without the use of mechanical switches.
716Electric MachineryMachine powered by electricity, typically with an enclosure, electrical components, and a power switch.
717Electrical MachineryPower distribution and specialty transformers electric motors generators and motor generator sets switchgear and switchboard apparatus relays and industrial controls.
718Handguns and accessoriesHandheld guns for non-military use including pistols, rifles, shotguns, and guns that shoot blanks or tear gas as well as accessories like scopes.
719Furniture ProductionFurniture for seating, sleeping, and storage in indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as in homes and offices.
720Office EquipmentMovable objects intended to support various office activities such as seating desks and storage.
721Gaming Devices forGambling industry machinery and hardware.
722Transparent materialHard brittle materials usually made by silicates fusing with an oxide and are either transparent or translucent including windows mirrors and optic lenses.
723Industrial MachineryLarge machines typically used for digging cutting forming or hauling material including agricultural industrial and mining machinery.
724Machinery for IndustrialIndustrial process machines.
725Manufacturing robots used inRobotics systems used for manufacturing products and supporting activities.
726Tree HarvestingTree cutting equipment for forestry and timber use.
727Handling Equipment for MaterialAssist ease and economy of movement, storage, control and protection of materials, goods and products.
728Mining MachineryAutomated devices powered by hydraulics and electricity, used for extracting materials, such as ore or minerals from the ground.
729Electricity GenerationUtility-scale electricity production equipment including diesel and gas generator sets and turbines.
730Rail and Road ConstructionEquipment Used Build And Operate Roads And Railroads Including Paving Equipment Track Laying Equipment Communication Signals Loading And Unloading Machinery.
731Control Equipment for Industrial ProcessesActuators and transducers control and convert technical process variables in response to computerized systems, facilitating signal transformation.
732Material for Thermal, Acoustic & Electrical Insulation in theMaterial that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat, sound or electricity.
733Luxury GoodsHigh end goods in market for price and quality in products like drinks, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, luggage and cars.
734Medical PharmaceuticalsMedical substances for diagnosis, cure, treatment and prevention of diseases, including branded and generic drugs, vitamins and supplements.
735Patented Medications in PharmaceuticalTrade named patented drugs.
736Off-patent drugsGeneric drugs are medications that have the same active ingredients as the original branded formulation, but are produced and distributed without patent protection.
737Nonprescription MedicationsOver-the-counter drugs.
738NutritionNutrients in dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids.
739Manufacturing Supplies forRegularly purchased items and materials for use in production of goods or business operation assist.
740Manufacturing Supplies forManufacturing machinery and equipment tools, products, and disposables include power transmission supplies, bearings, seals, hoses, abrasives, and packaging materials.
741Office ItemsOffice Supplies Regularly Used In Businesses And Organizations.
742Boat ProductionCivilian water vessels like canoes, sailboats, fishing trawlers, and supertankers.
743Luxury YachtLarge motorboat for personal, family, and sometimes sports recreation with cabin, plumbing, and living conveniences onboard.
744Small BoatsSmall light open boats that are propelled through the water using oars or paddles.
745Powerboats in marineVarying size and configuration boats propelled by engine, inboard or outboard, or other motor.
746Personal WatercraftInboard vessel driven by jet-pump, carries one to three persons, operated by person sitting, standing, or kneeling on boat.
747Wind-powered vesselsWind-powered vessel with optional engine for extra power.
748Ship ConstructionShips construction, cargo, transport, and fishing vessels. Excludes naval vessels.
749Medical DeviceMedical products for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment are subject to strict government regulation to ensure safety.
750Metal ConstructionMetal structures built by cutting, bending and assembly.
751PackagingContains protects preserves transports informs about items within including glass paper metal.
752Glass containersGlass packaging containers like bottles and jars are typically thrown away once empty.
753Eco-Friendly Packaging Supports SustainableSustainable packaging supporting long-term human and environmental health made from energy efficient, recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, non-toxic or renewable materials.
754Metal PackagingMetal packaging for products is made from tin, steel or aluminum.
755Packaging PlasticsPlastic product packaging made from polyethylene or polypropylene.
756Photo and Optics EquipmentVision enhancing devices include lenses, cameras, binoculars, telescopes and microscopes.
757High-Tech Tools forTools that measure, analyze, test or enhance technical capabilities for performing functions, such as laboratory equipment, sensors, gauges and calipers.
758Instrumentation TechnologyAn apparatus or equipment used provide quantitative and qualitative measurements of the composition of a mixture or compound. AnApparatusOrEquipmentUsedProvideQuantitativeAndQualitativeMeasurementsOfTheCompositionOfAMixtureOrCompound.
759Lab Equipment forInstruments, technologies, machines, appliances and other tools utilized in various laboratory settings, such as medical, chemical, and other research fields.
760Railcar ProductionPassenger and freight railcars, locomotives, and parts for vehicles such as railroad, subway, and trolley cars.
761Manufacturing robots forDesign fabrication and programming of functional robotic systems.
762Personal Robots. Individuals' helpful technologyUseful for individuals robot interface and design.
763Athletic Grounds SurfaceSynthetic playing surfaces for sports, including indoor and outdoor use.
764Layered materials forLayered materials ranging from fractions of a nanometer monolayer to several micrometers in thickness.
765Wood PaperProducts made by pulp, paper or lumber mills including cellulose, stock wood, corrugated papers or boards as well as writing, printing, wrapping and other papers.
766Materials extractionExploration and extraction of solid or dense viscous raw materials, as well as processing and refining of those materials into end products includes metals, gems, salt, sand, stone, coal and materials that create energy.
767Energy resourcesHardened fossil fuels such as coal, oil shale, or oil sands, or fissionable material for nuclear reactions. Excludes liquid or gaseous petroleum materials.
768Material MiningMining and processing services for raw materials, such as mapping, surveying, brokering, and leasing.
769Metal TradingTraders of precious and other metals trade gold, silver, palladium, and platinum as commodities and investments.
770Mineral Lease Services for ResourceLeasing, acquisition, brokering, or management services for mineral and natural resources rights on public or private land.
771Metals inHeat and electricity conducting elements mined for manufacturing uses and stored value such as gold includes ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals.
772Metal extractionIron is explored, extracted, and processed. It is a malleable metal found abundantly in ores such as hematite and magnetite, and is mainly used in making steel alloys.
773Nonferrous MetalsExploration, extraction and processing of non-ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, tin and zinc.
774MetalExploration extraction and processing of aluminum a durable malleable metal highly resistant to corrosion.
775Lithium miningExploration extraction and processing of lithium a hard lustrous silver-gray metal primarily used in the preparation of alloys.
776MetalExploration extraction and processing of copper a ductile malleable metal that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.
777Mining leadExploring, extracting, and processing lead, a non-ferrous heavy metal commonly found in ore.
778Lithium miningExploring, extracting and processing lithium, a soft, light alkali metal highly reactive and flammable.
779Nickel explorationExploring, extracting and processing nickel, a silver hard ductile ferro-magnetic metal used in alloys.
780MetalExplore, extract and process tin, a silvery malleable metal resistant to oxidation.
781Zinc Extraction and ProcessingExplore, extract, process zinc, shiny but brittle metal at room temperature, malleable when heated, commonly used as an alloy to prevent corrosion.
782Rare metalsExploration, extraction and processing of rare, naturally occurring metals that are held as a store of value in addition to their practical uses.
783Gold Exploration and ExtractionExplore, extract, process gold, soft yellow malleable metal, occurs in veins and alluvial deposits, used for decoration and as a store of value.
784Metal extractionExplore, extract, and process palladium, a soft ductile metal found naturally with platinum in gold, nickel, or copper ores.
785PlatinumExploration, extraction and processing of platinum, a ductile malleable metal usually found mixed with metals such as iridium, osmium or nickel.
786Precious silver miningExploring, extracting, and processing silver, a precious metal with superior electrical conductivity to any chemical element and thermal conductivity to any other metal.
787Iron carbon alloyStructural metallic alloy composed primarily of iron, containing carbon levels ranging from 0.2% to 2.1% weight.
788Strategic Metals essential for technology andExploration, extraction and processing of metals that are crucial for technology and industry, but have sources that can be easily disrupted.
789Rare Elements ExtractionExploration extraction processing metals lanthanoids grouped periodic table scandium yttrium exhibit similar chemical properties.
790MineralExplore, extract and process crystalline solids formed by natural geological processes including gemstones, salt and rock.
791Abrasive materials used inHard materials often mineral shape finish clean smooth roughen polish substances including emery pumice sand calcite diamond.
792Building material made from raw materials and water.Used in constructionPowder made from raw materials like limestone, clay or gypsum and mixed with water to form a binding agent for aggregates of gravel and sand.
793Mineral FertilizersPotassium phosphate and other minerals added to soil as nutrients.
794Precious stonesValuable gemstones are primarily minerals but can also be rocks or organic materials, prized for their rarity and beauty, often cut and polished for jewelry with some industrial uses.
795Mineral used in constructionCommon soft mineral widely used for drywall or plaster and as a major component of cement.
796SaltExplore, extract, and process salt - a crystalline solid mineral composed mainly of sodium chloride, widely used as a preservative and food seasoning.
797Sedimentary material in miningMixture of rock and mineral grains larger than silt but smaller than gravel.
798Hard rockExplore, extract and process hard non-metallic mineral aggregates forming rock ranging from high value marble to lower value slate.
799Building MaterialStrong durable stone used in buildings homes and infrastructure or lighter stone used in mixtures like concrete.
800Stone DecorationStone used for decoration, finishing, or architectural detail indoors or outdoors; often highly polished or sculpted, including marble, granite, limestone, and slate.
801Vehicle ManufacturingAutomotive vehicle and parts makers, sales and services like vehicle rental and repair. Includes internal combustion, hybrid, and alternative energy vehicles.
802Self-Driving CarsAutonomous vehicles detecting surroundings and navigating autonomously.
803Battery-powered TransportElectrically powered scooters and bicycles are examples of individual transport using batteries.
804Vehicle PartsComponents used in the construction and repair of motor vehicles, including original equipment manufacturing and aftermarket parts.
805Vehicle SalesSell new and used automobiles, such as dealerships, fleet and online sales.
806Vehicle ServicesImproving, maintaining, and restoring motor vehicle performance services, vehicle rental, collision repair, towing services, and auto body work.
807EV ChargingCommercial operation of electric vehicle charging stations.
808Car ServiceDiagnosis maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
809Auto RentalOffering automobile rental services for various vehicles in exchange for payment including cars and trucks.
810AutomobilePassenger and commercial vehicles such as cars, buses, light and medium trucks, motorcycles, hybrid vehicles and recreational vehicles excluding heavy and military trucks.
811BusLarge capacity vehicles are designed to transport more passengers than standard cars or vans.
812Passenger vehiclesFour wheeled passenger vehicles including sport utility vehicles pickup trucks station wagons vans and minivans.
813Hybrid VehicleMotor vehicles powered by a non-internal combustion engine for primary or secondary propulsion.
814Battery Powered CarsElectrically charged battery-powered motor vehicles.
815Motorcycles are part of the transportationTwo wheeled motor vehicles including off road motorcycles scooters and mopeds.
816RVVehicles equipped with home-like living space and amenities.
817Cargo transport vehiclesMotor vehicles designed for transporting medium-sized or heavy cargo, such as flatbeds, box trucks, dump trucks, and semi-trailer trucks.
818Rubber wheelVehicle wheel coverings made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass or other material, and filled with compressed air.
819PharmaChemical substances for medical diagnosis, cure, treatment and prevention of disease.
820Pharma Delivery TechnologiesProducts and technology that deliver pharmaceuticals into a patient's system, including infusion, inhalation, injection and transdermal Products and technology that deliver drugs to patients through infusion, inhalation, injection, and transdermal.
821Continuous drug infusionAdminister drugs via intravenous infusion continuously.
822Inhalation Drug Administration forAdministering drugs via inhalation into the lungs.
823Drug delivery methods and devices for single-dose skin penetration administration in the bodyMethods and devices for administering drugs by penetrating the skin.
824Needle-free Injection Devices for PharmaceuticalNeedle-free drug delivery products using compressed gas.
825Oral drug delivery formulations in pharmaceuticalOral drug formulations consist of tablets, capsules, and sustained release methods.
826Drug delivery methods through body surfaces: patches, lotions, gels, foams. InnovativeAdministering drugs through body surfaces includes patches, lotions, gels and foams.
827Contrast Enhancers in Medical ImagingContrast agents for medical imaging.
828Pharma Development Services in the pharmaceuticalResearch, development and testing of new pharmaceuticals from initial discovery phase through pre-market clinical trials.
829Outsourced ResearchResearch activity outsourced from drugmakers or drug developers, including designing study protocols, evaluation of data, managing clinical trials and managing data for regulatory submissions.
830Pharma Lab Services in Drug DevelopmentPharmaceutical drug development laboratory testing.
831Pharma Tech for DrugTechnology applied to discovery, development, and manufacture of pharmaceutical products including bioinformatics, chromatography, and genomic tools.
832Pharmaceutical ManufacturingProducts used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals including upstream processing downstream processing traceability purification synthesis and process control.
833Chromatographic Separation in PharmaceuticalSeparation products used for components separation of mixtures for preparatory or analytical purposes, often in pharmaceuticals creation.
834Drug DistributionDistributing drugs from wholesalers or producers to users, retailers, or pharmacy benefit managers.
835Internet Mail PharmacySell pharmaceuticals via the internet or mail order.
836Drug DistributionPurchase and sale of pharmaceuticals from producers to retail pharmacies as well as hospitals and other end users.
837Animal HealthVeterinary chemicals such as antibiotics, parasiticides, vaccines, and antifungal agents.
838Goods ExchangeExchange goods for money, merchandise for direct consumption, buying and selling to various users.
839Merchandise RetailSell merchandise for direct consumption by the purchaser, including sellers of packaged and ready-to-eat food products, excluding restaurants.
840Liquor SalesSell packaged wine beer and distilled spirits.
841Clothing RetailSell Clothing Accessories and Footwear.
842Car Parts TradeSell replacement and performance parts, tires and accessories for car vehicles.
843Personal CareSell personal care and beauty products.
844Retailing Cameras and OpticsSell digital and film cameras, photography gear, and accessories, plus optical equipment such as binoculars and sports scopes.
845Marijuana SalesSellProductsContainingCannabisOrCannabisDerivatives.
846Retail ChainTwo or more retail merchandise locations owned or franchised by the same company.
847Convenience RetailSmall stores with convenient locations and hours that sell a variety of products including packaged food, cigarettes, lottery tickets, newspapers, and personal care items.
848Retail Chains. Typically Sell Everything. Multiple Brands, Styles, Prices. Varieties inPart of a chain, department stores sell diverse personal and household goods from various brands, styles, and prices.
849Electronic Devices RetailSell electronic devices such as entertainment systems, televisions, DVRs, DVD players, radios, and digital cameras.
850Floral retailSell flowers consumers provide design display delivery services.
851Home Office FurnitureSell furniture for home and office.
852Fuel RetailingSell motor vehicle gasoline and diesel fuel to individual consumers.
853Variety RetailSellWideVarietyProductsSingleOutletIncludingDiscountDepartmentStoresDollarStoresWarehouseClubsSupercenters.
854Retail Stores selling gifts and collectiblesGifts and Collectibles.
855Food RetailOffering a range of fresh and packaged food and drink items from a single site.
856Home RenovationSell products for construction, maintenance and repair, hardware, tools, building supplies, flooring, lighting, paint supplies, electrical fixtures and lawn and garden products.
857Superstore conceptSuperstore combining supermarket and department store products.
858Temporary Structures in MarketTemporary structure erected by merchants to display and shelter their merchandise.
859Retailing Music, Video, and BooksSell books music movies and video games.
860Business Office SuppliesSell office supplies, electronics, furniture, and paper products for businesses.
861E-commerceOnline retail transactions conducted through the internet.
862Accept collateral loansPawnshops that accept personal property as collateral for loans, and sell the property if the borrower defaults on the loan payments.
863Lease-to-Own StoresRent-to-own stores offer furniture, appliances, and electronics for weekly or monthly rental, with ownership transferring to the customer at the end of the lease.
864Pharmacy RetailSell pharmaceutical drugs to consumers, as well as ensure their safe and effective use.
865Specialty RetailSelling products from a niche category of goods, rather than across multiple categories.
866Sport RetailSell sports and recreation products, including sports equipment, footwear, apparel, fitness machines, and camping gear.
867Bulk tradeMerchandise is purchased and sold from producers to retailers, industrial, commercial, or professional users, and other wholesalers.
868Wholesalers in theBuy, warehouse and resell products to retailers or end users.
869Safety SecuritySafety and security equipment and services such as alarms, locks, safes, monitoring, surveillance, fire and hazard protection, investigative and security services.
870Safety SecuritySafety and security enhancing equipment or devices for people, valuables, or locations, such as alarms, locks, and surveillance equipment.
871Security SystemsWarning devices for unauthorized access to protected areas or objects, or breach of security systems.
872CCTV SurveillanceClosed circuit television cameras relay images to a specified video monitor receiver or group of monitors receivers.
873Security EquipmentMechanical or electronic devices secured by key or combination, or lockable containers used to store items securely.
874Non-Lethal PolicingDevices used to incapacitate or temporarily harm or subdue such as stun guns, rubber bullets and irritating agents as well as protective gear and clothing.
875Protection ProductsSelf defense equipment or devices, including repellants like mace or pepper spray.
876Security Illumination for safetySecurity, protection, safety, emergency signals - backup, sensor, emergency lights, perimeter, wide-area lights, spotlights, floodlights.
877Safety TechnologyIntegrity protection programs for computer and network operations, and unauthorized access prevention to data.
878Covert Surveillance DevicesSurreptitious surveillance equipment watching, listening, or monitoring people or locations of interest.
879Safety GearSafety equipment for workplace or job to enhance safety and protection.
880Workplace SafetyProtection against fire or other hazards, or that enhance workplace or job safety.
881Fire Prevention EquipmentFirefighting Equipment Protective Gear Alarms Extinguishers Materials.
882Hazard Detection forDetection, measurement, or monitoring equipment for hazardous materials or substances.
883Safety Solutions forTools or services for enhancing job safety, including injury prevention, safety policy consultation, and compliance with standards and regulations.
884Security ServicesSecurity measures for individuals, property, and areas, such as armored vehicles, residential alarms, private security firms, and correctional facilities.
885Armoured TransportVehicles enhanced or reinforced with protective plating, bulletproof glass, punctureproof tires used for transporting people, money or valuables.
886Biometric TechnologyBiometric authentication technology for identification, access control and surveillance.
887Security SystemsPracticed installation consumer-oriented electronic home protection systems guard fire theft these include perimeter detection carbon monoxide detection glass break detection remote oversight.
888Identity Theft Prevention in theProtect personal information such as Social Security numbers, bank account details, or credit cards, to prevent identity theft.
889InvestigationPrivate investigators or detectives; companies that offer investigative services such as employment or tenant screening, litigation support, surveillance, or background checks.
890Correctional facilitiesPrivately run correctional facilities or services government contractors that build or maintain facilities to house people detained by the justice system or to privately manage or provide corrections officers for public prisons or jails.
891Security ServicesSecurity contractors providing bodyguards or security officers or other security services like personal or executive protection, risk assessment, property protection or data protection Security Contractors Providing Bodyguards Or Security Officers Or Other Security Services Like Personal Or Executive Protection, Risk Assessment, Property Protection Or Data Protection.
892Security SurveillanceSecurity professionals or equipment covertly surveilling individuals or monitored locations.
893Electronic componentsElectronic devices and components made from materials with electrically resistive properties between that of a conductor and an insulator Includes chips, devices, fab equipment and services surrounding fabrication.
894Chips for electronicsSemiconductor-based electronic circuits with conductivity between conductor and insulator.
895Semiconductor manufacturingSemiconductor chip companies produce chips for various applications, including major microprocessor manufacturers and commodity integrated circuit producers.
896CPU is essential in computerCentral processing unit CPU is the main component in a computer, which executes fast calculations to execute operating system or program instructions.
897System Chip IntegrationSemiconductor chips that have been engineered to incorporate all the components of a computer or other electronic system.
898GPU accelerates image creation for displaySpecialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. Accelerate creation images frame buffer output display device.
899Microelectronics RevolutionSemiconductive material wafers with built-in electronic functions, also called microcircuits.
900Data storage chipsStorage data semiconductor chips whose primary function.
901Semiconductor Materials and Components forSemiconductor chips creation materials and base components used.
902Specialized Semiconductor Devices forSpecialized semiconductor chips for audio, video, communications, and solar cells.
903Light ProcessingTechnological device facilitates creation of images through engineering of microscopically small mirrors on semiconductor chip.
904Signal Processors in technologyMicrochip with CPU capabilities designed for performing time-sensitive, algorithmic tasks.
905Semiconductor LightSpecial semiconductor diode creates electronic light source conducting current in one direction.
906Electric Liquid Crystals forFlat panel displays utilizing electrically reactive liquid crystal solution between two sheets of polarizing material.
907Microscopic LED arraysMicroscopic LED arrays forming pixel elements of a visual display.
908OLED technology inSemiconductor diode with electroluminescent layer sandwiches thin organic or carbon-based films between two conductors or charged electrodes, one transparent.
909Photovoltaic CellsSemiconductor devices designed to convert sunlight into electricity.
910Semiconductor TechnologyElectronic conduction occurs within a semiconductor chip in devices and modules.
911Semiconductor Manufacturing EquipmentEquipment Used In The Design Fabrication Assembly And Packaging Of Semiconductor Chips And Devices.
912Assembly Packaging EquipmentEquipment for bonding completed semiconductor devices or circuit chips to their packaging.
913Sterile Devices for CleanroomSterile devices and supplies designed for use in clean rooms with low levels of contaminants in special manufacturing processes.
914Equipment for Fabrication of Semiconductor CircuitsPhotographic and chemical processing equipment for etching or creating electronic circuits on a semiconductor wafer.
915Device DevelopmentServices supporting research, development and manufacturing of semiconductor devices.
916Clean EnvironmentProcedures and facilities of clean rooms, manufacturing environments with low level of contaminants for semiconductor production.
917Support SemiconductorTechnical documentation and contracted assistance within the semiconductor industry includes microchip application, application support, and technical analysis.
918Research Development SemiconductorsThe Intellectual and Scientific Process of Designing and Refining Semiconductors Including Innovations and New Manufacturing Technologies.
919ServiceService provision to businesses and individuals for payment often referred to as the tertiary sector of the economy.
920Commercial Support ServicesBusiness assistance services include contracted advertising, consulting, and office support.
921Risk Assessment Services for the InsuranceRisk assessment services addressing the likelihood and financial impact of contingent, significant events on individuals and institutions.
922Promotion Services inCreating advertisements for clients that attract positive public attention to a product or service through the use of print, broadcast, online and other media Generate ads to draw positive public interest to products or services using print, broadcast, online, and other media.
923Advertising BroadcastTV or radio advertising airing in designated time slots sold by media companies.
924Digital MarketingInternet messages promoting products or services to attract customers.
925Outdoor MarketingPromotional and commercial messages for signs, billboards, and outdoor public venues.
926Print MarketingPromotional and marketing messages created for print mediums such as magazines and newspapers.
927BidAuction houses conduct competitive sales processes to retrieve offers for goods or services, with the highest bidder winning.
928Outsourced Business ServicesOutsourcing specific business functions such as human resources, accounting, call center, and technical support.
929Product TestingProduct testing certification and inspection services from third party.
930Professional Consulting ServicesProviding professional advice concerning a particular area of expertise to a client for a fee.
931Message ManagementManage communication of message and strategy for company or organization to customers, shareholders and public.
932Relations with Investors inAssisting companies interact with investors.
933Marketing Services in theCreate and distribute commercial messages for clients to promote, brand, build customer relationships, and position products and services in the marketplace.
934Licensed Character Images MarketingMarketing licensed character images.
935Online PromotionCreate and distribute promotional messages using digital technology and platforms such as websites, email and social networks.
936Revised website promotionWebsite revision and promotion to enhance visibility and ranking in search engine results and directories.
937Optimizing websites for search enginesWebsite content or code is modified to improve search engine rankings.
938Direct Mail CampaignsCommercial or political advertising promotional items solicitations or public notices of sale delivered through the postal system.
939Event PlanningPlanning and executing meetings, corporate or political events, catered parties, fundraisers, promotional meetings, and trade show exhibits.
940Research ServicesSystematically gather and analyze objective data related to a specific target audience, competing rivals, or environment.
941Client Communication ManagementManaging public communication on behalf of clients, including the crafting of a favorable image and the establishment of a desirable relationship with consumers and sponsors.
942Strategic ConsultingCompanies or individuals helping with the development of an organizational plan for product, person or institution promotion, branding, or advocacy.
943Business Office ManagementManagement and performance of a business office includes clerical duties, human resource services, and coordination of work systems.
944Office OperationsProviding administrative operational support for a corporate office.
945Account Processing Services forContracted outsourced account processing and presentment of payments, statements, and invoices for companies or organizations.
946Financial RecordingContracted or outsourced financial transaction recording service for public and private institutions.
947Customer SupportReceive customer information and provide product support inquiries on behalf of a company, or make outgoing calls for telemarketing, clientele, product services and debt collection.
948Copy and Print ServicesProfessional assistance in reproducing, sorting, and organizing documents provided by a specialized company.
949Data ManagementArchitecture process tracking converting securing storing retrieving data especially electronic documents contracted outsourced independent companies.
950Staffing SolutionsRecruitment enlistment and other staffing related activities provided by independent agencies for both corporate human resource departments and job applicants.
951HR Services supporting HR function in businessHR services help support human resources functions such as recruitment, hiring, training, and benefits.
952Automated office operationsOffice automation is a computerized networked support system for office operations which facilitates the transmission of data across a LAN.
953Financial ManagementOutsourced management of corporate or institutional financial records and operations for salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions.
954Records Management in BusinessAdministering professional assistance to a business office in organizing, processing, and storing information and documents.
955Resume WritingWriting and editorial support for professionals to create and revise career experience summaries, outlines, and assist in developing business-related written communications.
956Business Support Services industrySpecialized business assignments and responsibilities provided under financial contract to companies.
957Transcription ServicesShorthand transcription services are provided by independent contractors and workers employed by a specialized agency contracted for this purpose.
958Answering ServicesIndependent firms provide programs and systems to handle recording and redirecting incoming audio messages.
959Language TranslationTranslate text from one language to another.
960Word ProcessingCreate, transcribe or edit documents using a word processor services may be provided by an individual under contract, or by a specialized company.
961Operations Control inManage product and services operations company efficiency standards quality management technical functions inventory management manufacturing.
962Fleet SolutionsFinance, maintenance, telematics and other services for companies to mitigate risks related to vehicle investment.
963Inventory Tracking and Management inSystematic procedure counting listing objects materials physical inventory services provided specialized companies include use barcodes RFID tags management perpetual inventory programs.
964Management PlanningOperational and financial advisory services offered by specialized firms.
965Purchasing process inProcurement is buying goods or the services of personnel at the best price This process includes purchase planning, determining standards and specifications, supplier research and selection, valuation, and price negotiation.
966Efficient Project Execution forA Carefully Crafted Effort To Successfully Implement Or Accomplish A One-Time Organizational Objective.
967Sales CRM Services for theTrack and facilitate the customer life-cycle services, from lead generation and initial contact to sales, product support, customer service and account management.
968Services for IndividualsPersonal or household services for individuals, including childcare, housecleaning, florists and consumer legal services.
969Hair and BeautyIndividual customer beautification services hair salons day spas manicure services.
970Childcare ServicesAgencies and individuals specializing in child care services include nanny or au pair services, daycare centers, home care providers, and child-centered PCAs.
971ServicePersonalized assistance, errand running, and caretaking duties, often exclusively provided as a premium service by agencies and individuals.
972Consumer Catering ServiceFood service company or specialist preparing, presenting, and delivering plated food for consumer meals, holidays, and social functions.
973Legal Consumer ServicesProvide knowledgeable representation and counsel to private citizens or consumers during judicial proceedings and in casual matters requiring jurisprudence or legal negotiation.
974MatchmakingSpecialized rules matchmaking services for social and potentially romantic exchanges between couples.
975Funeral ArrangementsFuneral and burial industry including sites, certificates, tombstones, embalming, cremation, viewing ceremonies, and memorial services.
976WashingClothes or fabric cleaning by commercial facility using soap and water or organic solvent.
977Lawn CareResidential lawn and garden care services include horticultural services, pruning, leaf raking, seeding, fertilizing, weeding, mowing, and hedge trimming.
978Shopping assistance and delivery services in retailPersonalized shopping offered by retail stores, malls and supermarkets, involving both advice and delivery. Personalized shopping offered by retail stores, malls and supermarkets involving both advice and delivery.
979Pet Health ServicesHealth services for domesticated companion animals, including medical, surgical, therapeutic, pharmacological and dental medicines or practices.
980Product LeasingPayment for product usage for set time period Does not cover automobile leasing.
981Marriage CeremonySpecialized commercial activities or services purchased for a marriage ceremony and related events.
982Weight controlInterventions to tackle obesity, such as diet programs, behavior change, workouts, nutrition plans, and counseling.
983Verbatim transcription for legalTranscribing speeches, legal proceedings, meetings, and conversations for news, correspondence, records, or legal proofs.
984Business CreativityServices provided for businesses, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in creative undertakings or enterprises, including video services, fashion services, photography, talent agencies.
985Content Editing for PublishingAssisting in selecting, revising, correcting, or organizing text content within a document to enhance meaning, syntax, grammar, or composition.
986Photo ServicesCapture and provide commercial photographic images, including portrait, wedding and freelance photography.
987Print ProductionTransfer or reproduce image or text to hard copy medium such as paper.
988Film ProductionCommercial creation of video recordings, multimedia editing, and processing assistance.
989Textual CreationCreate skilled textual representations of human language for commercial venue or establishment.
990EnergySpecialty services aiding in the discovery extraction and transportation of energy materials including oil field services pipeline services and coal transport.
991Electric ServicesEngineering installation maintenance and repair of systems and equipment that generate or transmit electricity as undertaken by licensed technicians.
992Services for EngineeringDesign and test systems, structures, and products for various industries, including civil, structural, electrical, and mechanical engineering services.
993Engineering Services for ElectricalDesign and Repair of Electronics, Telecommunications, Power Transmission and Control Systems.
994Engineering Services forDesign and test integrated systems involving people, money, information, equipment, analysis, and synthesis for diverse industries.
995Engineering Services for MechanicalDesign and testing of mechanical systems for the creation of products, tools and other devices.
996CateringPreparation and sale of meals, snacks or drinks outside the home including restaurants, catering and bars. Food and beverage services provided away from home such as restaurants, catering, and bars.
997Alcohol SalesSale of Alcoholic Drinks for Consumption Onsite Including Bars Restaurants and Entertainment Venues.
998Local drinkingLocal taverns, pubs, and drinking establishments primarily serving community and surrounding towns residents.
999Stadium Drink SalesConcession stands in arenas or stadiums provide alcoholic drinks, primarily beer, for patrons.
1000Food CateringSpecialized food service companies provide preparation, presentation, and delivery of plated food for institutions or businesses.
1001Business Symposium CateringHospitality service for business symposiums with food presentation, hosting, and serving in formal or semi-formal style.
1002Business CateringSelecting food for daily corporate functions, such as office parties, business lunches, meetings, and company picnics.
1003Prepared Food DeliveryFood delivery from restaurants or retail establishments to customers remote.
1004Public FoodPlanning cooking serving and sale of food in public establishments such as schools colleges prisons and hospitals.
1005Cafeteria services in corporatePrivate foodservice provider located within an office establishment, owned or contracted by the host company or a business within the building.
1006Military CateringMilitary contracted commercial food provider.
1007Correctional FoodCorrection facility foodservice preparing and serving meals for inmates.
1008Educational CateringSchool foodservice prepares and serves meals for students and teachers to government nutrition standards.
1009Sports CateringEating venues like fast food counters or concession stands located in a park, arena, or stadium.
1010Food Box Delivery ServiceDelivery of read to prepare meal kits to remote customers.
1011Food ServiceCommercial facilities selling prepared food that is ready to eat.
1012Informal DiningInformal dining places serving the local community.
1013Chain RestaurantChain of restaurants with the same name and similar menus.
1014Quick Serve DiningInexpensive, quickly prepared food service facilities.
1015Upscale DiningHigh-end restaurant offering a diverse selection of cuisine and drinks.
1016Niche diningSpecialty restaurants.
1017BakeryCommercial production of baked goods including food stores and other facilities selling ready-to-eat food.
1018Coffee RetailersSpecializing in roasting, selling, or serving premium coffee, food service establishments, retailers, and wholesalers often use their specific brand name.
1019Cultural gastronomyEating establishment specializing in regional and heritage cuisine.
1020Healthy EatingA Health-Oriented Dining Establishment With Nutritional Cuisine Style.
1021Beef restaurants in foodA restaurant serving beef, particularly beefsteak, prepared in various ways with complimentary dishes.
1022Property MaintenanceProperty maintenance services including auto repair, commercial cleaning, and facilities management.
1023Maintenance ServicesMaintaining the condition, operation, and appearance of a corporate or government facility in accordance with relevant regulations or codes.
1024Janitorial ServicesScheduled janitorial services performed by commercial companies.
1025Tech Support ServicesMaintaining upgrading and fixing computer hardware software and accessories by licensed technicians.
1026Electronic DeviceMaintenance and repair of electronic devices using micro circuitry, semiconductors, transistors or related technology.
1027Building ManagementBuilding management firms.
1028Industrial Equipment MaintenanceServicing and repairing industrial heavy machinery, farm equipment, and construction equipment.
1029Wrapping Solutions for PackagingProtective or decorative wrapping of products for storage, transportation and sale.
1030Business ServicesBusiness professionals and institutions are provided services by agencies, independent contractors, and consultants including legal, accounting, investment, and research services.
1031Financial ReportingMonitor and record business expenses and income for clients, and communicate this information to managers and shareholders.
1032Debt ReliefAssist in filing for Federal Bankruptcy Protection and successfully emerging from that status.
1033Law ServicesAdvising clients about their legal rights and responsibilities, and representing them in civil or criminal court, business transactions and other matters.
1034Content LicensingServices designed for publishers, companies, governments and consumers that generate additional value in a media piece, product or program through the collecting, packaging, licensing and distribution of content Services for publishers, companies, governments, and consumers that add value to media, products, or programs by collecting, packaging, licensing, and distributing content.
1035M&A ServicesAdvisory firms and consultants provide services for corporate mergers and acquisitions.
1036Investigation Services forProfessionalStudyAnalysisAndReportingOfBusinessIndustryAndTechnologicalIssuesStrategiesTrendsProductsAndMarkets.
1037Tax Preparation ServicesPrepare business and individual tax forms for clients, assessing income, assets, and expenses.
1038City DevelopmentUrbanology.
1039Sporting EventsPromotional management and other professional services for sporting events products or athletes including wagering services.
1040Representative businessAthlete's agent negotiates contracts, secures endorsements, explores opportunities, and increases income.
1041Tech SolutionsDesign and support services for the operation of computers, networks, electronics and telecommunications systems, including electrical engineering, web hosting and cloud computing.
1042Computer Network ServicesProviding live-functioning application software and information resources to computers through timely network access to a data center hosted on an off-site server.
1043Subscription-based softwareSubscription-based software hosted centrally and delivered to customers via the Internet.
1044Leasing ComputersRent computers to businesses.
1045Processing Data Services forConvert manipulate store digital information readable by commercial applications process large quantities of data necessary for organization operation.
1046IT SupportProvide design and support services for computer hardware, software, and networking systems.
1047IT Support ServicesSpecialists equipment programs providing technical maintenance systems administration operational support computers networking systems.
1048Code: Developers in softwareProgramming engineering or research assistance provided in the creation of digital applications and software for computers smart phones and other devices.
1049Video ConferencingProviding hosting remote live audio video assemblages together with affiliated solutions for electronic information exchange.
1050Web DevelopmentWebsite design, production, and maintenance services covering graphic design, functionality, user interface, and search engine optimization.
1051Events OrganizationOrganizations that coordinate, market and oversee gatherings of numerous individuals focused on a shared business or professional topic.
1052SportsRecreational Facilities sports entertainment professional leagues college scholastic international competitions.
1053EsportsEsports industry revolves around competitive video game tournaments, typically organized as multiplayer events.
1054LeisureSporting and recreational facilities such as golf courses, racetracks, theme parks, fitness clubs, and bowling alleys.
1055Bowling Facilities in the EntertainmentCommercial facilities and businesses for playing the recreational sport of bowling, a game where players take turns trying to knock over pins by rolling a ball down a lane.
1056GolfInstitutions and facilities of golf, competitive sport and recreational activity played on outdoor course with green, fairway, teeing ground, and either 9 or 18 holes spaced far apart Code: "Institutions and facilities of golf, competitive sport and recreational activity played on outdoor course with green, fairway, teeing ground, and either 9 or 18 holes spaced far apart".
1057Fitness CentersCommercial facility providing exercise equipment, aerobic activities, and related services for developing physical fitness and good health.
1058Harbor boat servicesFacility or complex with a wharf, established on a harbor, offering recreational boating and affiliated commercial or municipal services.
1059Speedways and racetracks in the racingFacilities with specially surfaced courses for competitive races are racetracks and speedways.
1060Sporting ActivitiesEngaging in structured physical activities, often involving skill and competition, following established rules or practices, for relaxation, exercise, or enjoyment.
1061Snow RecreationCommercial ski facilities and lodges provide the location and opportunity for organized recreational travel over snow using specialized equipment.
1062Entertainment venueTheme park amusement park geographically fixed commercial entertainment venue variety rides funhouses games souvenirs attractions available.
1063Live SportsEvents where spectators pay to watch the action, including professional and amateur sports.
1064College AthleticsPhysical competitions between colleges or universities, organized regionally, with select athletes or teams.
1065Global SportsGlobal competitions between elite athletes or teams, competing in part as representatives of their countries, taking place in organized locations.
1066World CupElite international football competition held every four years involving the national teams of different nations => Elite International Football Competition Held Every Four Years Involving The National Teams Of Different Nations.
1067Sporting eventElite international athletic competition held every two years, alternately in winter and summer, where athletes represent their home countries.
1068Paid AthleteAthletes are paid to compete in organized sporting events where spectators pay to watch.
1069Paid Car RacingOrganized paid automobile races for athletes compete.
1070Paid BaseballOrganized baseball leagues and paid athlete competitions.
1071Paid BasketballBasketball leagues and events with paid athletes compete.
1072Bowling ProfessionalBowling leagues and paid individual competitions for athletes compete.
1073Paid BoxingBoxing events where athletes are paid to compete. Excludes mixed martial arts.
1074Paid CricketCricket leagues and events where athletes are paid to compete.
1075Paid CyclingPaid cycling competitions.
1076Paid athleticsFootball leagues and paid individual events compete.
1077GolfOrganized golf leagues and individual events where athletes are paid to compete.
1078Professional HockeyOrganized ice hockey leagues and paid individual competitions athletes compete.
1079Paid SoccerProfessional soccer leagues and tournaments where athletes are compensated for their participation.
1080Paid SoftballSoftball leagues and paid individual competitions.
1081Paid SwimmingOrganized swimming and diving events where athletes are paid to compete.
1082Paid TennisOrganized tennis leagues and paid individual competitions.
1083Pro VolleyballVolleyball leagues and events where athletes are paid to compete.
1084School SportsPhysical games requiring skill and determination, classified as sports, and held as competitions between high schools.
1085Fitness SportsBusinesses supporting fitness and sporting activities, health clubs, trainers, sports and fitness equipment makers and marketers, are included.
1086TechDesign, Development, Manufacture and Distribution of Computer Hardware and Software, Electronics and Networking Equipment.
1087Computing and NetworkingComputing devices and connecting and enhancing equipment, such as networking components, peripherals, and storage devices.
1088Hardware Components in ComputerElectronic and mechanical elements that make up a computer including hard drives video cards and modems.
1089Storage devices for computersDigital data storage device designed to operate with computer systems either internally as part of the computer or externally as a peripheral.
1090Data storageMemory cards storage cards memory sticks and flash cards flash memory are portable discrete mediums for the digital storage of data including images audio video or text.
1091Data Transmission Devices forDevices facilitating electronic data transmission over private networks or the internet.
1092Integrated Circuit CardsPocket-sized plastic card with embedded integrated circuit processing data, often used for identification, authentication, and storing personal information.
1093Audio CardsSound or audio card computer expansion device manages input output audio signals compute often featuring digital-to-analog converter.
1094Graphics HardwareVideo card is an internal computer expansion device designed to improve the speed and quality of video and image output to a display.
1095Networking EquipmentElectronic products for connecting groups of computers, such as switches, routers, and network cards.
1096Computer AccessoriesElectronic devices that attach to a computer and provide additional input or output capabilities, but are usually unable to function independently.
1097Input devices for computers andPeripheral devices for manual text input and computer functions.
1098Display screensDevices designed for displaying digital data visually, typically with a computer or computer system.
1099Electronic Pointing Devices for Data Manipulation in ComputerElectronic pointing devices for data selection or manipulation in computer systems.
1100Printing devicesIndependent electronic device or computer peripheral to produce hard-copy versions of electronic information.
1101Computer CamerasCamera connected or integrated into a computer transmitting digital images or video in real-time over a network or the internet.
1102Data processingElectronic machines for input, manipulation, conversion and storage of data at high speeds.
1103Mobile Computing Devices inPortable handheld computing devices that connect to the internet and may also connect to a cellular telephone network.
1104Personal Computers are essential in the technologyComputers designed for individual users with their own processors and hard drives.
1105Mobile PCs Revolutionizing TechPortable computers that leverage the complete potential of a PC and specific peripherals.
1106Touchscreen Devices for the TechPortable computers equipped with a stylus or touchscreen.
1107Desktop computers for specific tasks connected to local networkDesktop computers usually dedicated to the performance of a specific task or technical application and connected to a local area network.
1108Computer servers in theNetworked computers running specialized software provide services such as storage and file transfer for client computers.
1109High-performance computingAdvanced computers and systems with high-speed processors capable of performing complex calculations on massive data volumes.
1110Wireless Gadgets inElectronic devices usually connect to other devices or networks through protocols like Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, or 4G, operating interactively and autonomously.
1111Voice-Activated Assistants in TechnologyDevices that can perform tasks for an individual through connection to other devices or networks primarily accessed through voice recognition.
1112Digital StorageElectronic repositories for access and manipulation of digital information include floppy drives, optical drives, and hard disc drives, along with disk technology and usage.
1113Data storage using lasers in DVDs for theStore electronic data on a DVD using a laser beam.
1114Data StorageTape drive, cartridge drive, memory stick, disc drive, or similar device serving as a computer peripheral for data backup and output.
1115Electronic devicesElectrical components use electron flow and resistance of various materials for diagnostics, wiring, consumer, and business electronic products.
1116Electronics Components forInterconnected discrete parts or elements constitute equipment operating based on manipulating electron flow and the electrical resistance of different mediums.
1117Printed BoardsPrinted circuit board or etched wiring board is a panel device used to create conductive pathways between electronic components, usually using a bonded layer of copper foil and dielectric insulation.
1118Diagnostic Electronic Equipment inDevices used for testing and diagnosing electronic equipment to detect and repair faults or verify performance.
1119Display Technology EvolutionScreens using LCD, LED, and plasma technology to display visual images are thinner than traditional tube or projection screens.
1120Global Positioning SystemDevices capable of receiving satellite navigation signals to determine position.
1121Business EquipmentMachinery or equipment that enables routine, daily operation of a business office.
1122Binder and Finisher in PrintingHard-copy documents are securely attached and bound using book binding technology.
1123Photocopiers revolutionizedA Copier Or Photocopier Is An Electronic Device That Combines Photographic Scanning With Printing Technology For Duplicating Written, Drawn, Or Printed Material.
1124Document ScannersPiece of electronic equipment used in a home or office for sending or receiving printed pages or images.
1125Electronic EquipmentMultifunction device is electronic equipment that combines operations of multiple machines.
1126Business Communication TechnologyTelephone communication network and equipment of a business office including teleconferencing technology, voicemail systems, and IP telephony.
1127Document DestructionBusiness offices use electronic devices to shred paper documents into tiny strips for disposal process.
1128Interactive entertainmentInteractive Multimedia With An Entertainment Function Including Computer Games Online Gaming And Independent Electronic Game Readers.
1129Portable gaming devices revolutionizeHandheld easily portable video game systems with integrated display and user interface.
1130Electric WiringTechnology and manufacturing of metal strands, often braided and sheathed in plastic, for electrical current conduction.
1131Eco-friendly Innovations inComponents and devices aimed at reducing their environmental impact.
1132Efficient Energy Devices forTechnology and creation of green machines and equipment, effective devices which conserve or utilize little energy.
1133Safe Electronics ComponentsNon-toxic electronic components harmful to humans or the environment.
1134Software NetworkingTechnology products and services associated with the internet, such as software, networking, and services.
1135Molecular engineeringMatter engineered on a molecular level and the devices created using those substances.
1136Code: "Programs that control hardware in symbolic language industry"Symbolic language programs that control the functioning of computer hardware.
1137Software Applications forComputer programs that execute a particular function or set of functions.
1138Data AnalysisSoftware for statistical and predictive analysis and exploring systems or behavior.
1139Conference SoftwareVideo or audio telephony software for group or organizational meetings and collaboration.
1140Publishing SoftwareDesktop publishing or page layout software are WYSIWYG programs used in the design of signs, promotional items, packaging, publication documents, and other hard-copy creations.
1141Emergency ResponseCode: Software designed to enhance the speed and effectiveness of emergency response services including ambulance, police, and fire.
1142Home Applications for the Personal and Family IndustriesPersonal or family software programs include genealogy, recipes, home design, and learning languages.
1143Wireless Device SoftwareSoftware for operating wireless devices or applications hosted on those devices.
1144Media EditingAudio files, multimedia files, and graphics or image documents manipulation programs.
1145Modeling Software used in scientific investigation, engineering, and design to create virtual representations of objects, processes, or phenomena in theSoftware used in scientific investigation, engineering, and design to create virtual models, schematics, or mathematical representations of an object, process, or phenomenon.
1146Enterprise ApplicationsBusiness management software.
1147CAD Software used in engineering, industrial arts, and motion pictureSoftware design used in engineering, industrial arts, and motion picture industry for creating virtual prototypes or object models.
1148Customer Relationship Management SoftwareBusinesses better organize and access customer data.
1149Electronic Document ManagementComputer programs for organizing electronic documents and managing hard-copy documents tracking and storage.
1150Business Asset Management Software forBusiness asset management programs encompass financial, human resources, product life cycle, and physical assets.
1151Finance SoftwareFinancial management and reporting programs include accounting, banking, and financial analysis.
1152Collaborative softwareCoordination programs for people working on shared tasks.
1153HR Management SoftwareHuman resources software for organizations to manage benefits, recruitment, and personnel records.
1154Data Management SoftwareInformation collection, storage, organization, and flexible data access programs.
1155Integrated Productivity SoftwareIntegrated programs for aiding organizational tasks.
1156Efficiency ToolsEfficiency and output enhancing programs for task convenience.
1157Software Development Tools accelerate software creationSimple software programs for designing, creating, and supporting other software - programs for building programs.
1158Software Systems in the ComputerHardware maintenance and operation programs provide a platform for running application programs.
1159Data Backup SolutionsPrograms designed to create exact copies of digital documents, systems or servers in a separate location from the original.
1160Data Management SoftwareData management software.
1161Network Communication SoftwareNetwork management programs managing communication protocols between networked systems.
1162Systems SoftwareSoftware programs facilitate computer functions, allocate memory and CPU processing time, provide user interface for input, and manage digital application execution.
1163Computer Systems inComplex large scale hardware and software systems manipulating and refining large amounts of data to enhance or automate activities such as manufacturing, communication, record keeping, retail procedures, or inventory management.
1164AR Systems inDevices and systems with an augmented view of a real-world environment enriched by computer-generated sensory input.
1165Automated identification systems inAutomated data collection systems include bar codes, biometrics, smart cards, RFID, and voice recognition products.
1166Control Systems for InventoryRetail establishments, institutions, or warehouses utilize software for product location, pricing, and classification. This software also includes tools for organizing unique identifiers and translating barcodes.
1167TelecomElectronic transmission routing and reception of information signals over distance including voice video and data as well as related infrastructure and equipment.
1168Communication DevicesDevices for transmitting and modifying telecommunications signals, such as switches, routers, and transmitters.
1169Communication InfrastructureLarge scale equipment used for transmitting and modifying telecommunications signals including cables, towers, satellites, and subsystems.
1170Telecom Towers & StationsTelecommunications electronic broadcast equipment situated at particular elevated sites often in the form of a tower or mast.
1171Communication InfrastructureMetal, glass or plastic strands grouped together lengthwise and sheathed in insulating or protective material.
1172Satellite TelecommunicationsElectronic device or machine designed to operate in orbit, typically geostationary orbit, for telecommunications purposes, particularly signal relays and transmissions.
1173Telecom EquipmentCoordinated operational equipment for the telecommunications industry includes antennas, base stations, base station controllers, cell phone repeaters, transcoders, and transceiver stations.
1174CommunicationElectronic transmission, routing and reception of information signals over distance, including voice, video and data.
1175High-Speed Internet ProvidersVoice and data signals transmission across high-speed networks with wide frequency channel support.
1176Telecom Service ProvidersVoice and data signals transmission across distance between devices connected to a wire or cable network.
1177Telecom ServicesVoice and data signals transmission across a network including wired and wireless devices with broadband connectivity.
1178Service Providers for InternetProviding services and data transmission technology that enable client use of the Internet.
1179IP Communication in theVoice signals transmission over IP networks.
1180Mobile CommunicationsVoice and data signals transmission to and from portable devices over a cellular or satellite network.
1181Textiles and ClothingFabric made by weaving, knitting or processing fiber, thread or yarn, as well as clothing and other finished products made from fabric, leather or other material. Also includes wearable accessories.
1182Clothing AccessoriesClothing and Wearable Accessories Made by Fabric, Leather or Other Material.
1183Textile manufacturingFabric or cloth produced by weaving, knitting or processing fiber, thread or yarn, and non-apparel finished products made from it.
1184Textile MaterialsFabricLikeMaterialsMadeFromFibersBondedTogetherByChemicalMechanicalHeatOrSolventTreatment.
1185Transportation LogisticsEquipment, infrastructure and services enabling the movement or conveyance of people and materials. Includes freight, logistic and warehouse services, as well as ground, water and air travel systems.
1186Supply ChainManaging the movement of freight or goods across transportation modes as well as storage after arrival, including freight forwarding, warehousing, and logistical services.
1187Freight Consolidation ServicesBook freight air sea transport combining several shipments larger over-the-road shipments behalf shippers receivers handling documentation customs storage insurance.
1188Supply Chain ManagementManaging goods movement supply chain including handling hauling warehousing distribution.
1189StorageStore goods before or after shipping or before sending to market, or offer short or long-term bulk storage for any items or materials.
1190Cargo TransportTransporting goods or commodities in bulk by truck, rail, ship, aircraft, or a combination of them.
1191Aerial Cargo TransportBulk transporting goods or commodities from one location to another by air transport.
1192Multimodal FreightTransporting goods or commodities in bulk from one place to another using multiple modes such as air, ship or rail for a single shipment.
1193ShippingShipping bulk goods by sea.
1194Rail Cargo Services transporting commodities by railTransporting goods or commodities in bulk from one place to another by rail.
1195Truck ShippingTrucking goods or commodities from one place to another.
1196Goods DeliveryTransporting small goods, packages or individual items by ground or air includes postal and pickup or delivery services.
1197Air DeliveryAirfreighting parcels or small shipments of goods.
1198Unmanned Aerial DeliveryDelivering parcels or small shipments of goods using drones.
1199Parcel ShippingShipping parcels or small shipments of goods by rail, trucking or other ground transportation modes.
1200Mail HandlingMail pickup routing and delivery.
1201Passenger transportTransporting people by land, air, rail or sea Includes airlines, railroads, ferries and bus service, as well as taxis and rental vehicles.
1202Passenger Bus TransportationPassenger transportation by bus, usually involving auto vehicles with over twelve passengers does not encompass tour buses.
1203Water TransportPassenger transportation by vessels on water.
1204Commercial AirlinesAir transportation of commercial passengers by aircraft.
1205Rail Passenger TransportRail transportation passengers.
1206Transportation ServicesTransportation from an unlicensed taxi service either as a single fare or carpooling.
1207Pleasure TourismCarrying passengers for enjoyment, leisure or sightseeing, rather than for transportation to a different location.
1208Renting MobilityOffering scooters or bicycles, either manual or electric, for a fee.
1209Passenger TransportTransporting Individual Passengers Or Small Groups By Automobile.
1210Space TravelPrivate launch of spacecraft beyond the Earths atmosphere for the transport of government, commercial or civilian passengers.
1211Transport InfrastructureTransportation facilities such as roads, railways, airports, and marine ports.
1212Air Terminals Serve AviationAircraft takeoff and landing facilities.
1213Bus HubsBus Services Supporting Facilities.
1214River and Lake PortsFacilities that operate, maintain and support boating and transportation on rivers, lakes and intracoastal waterways, including ports, marinas, locks and cargo facilities.
1215Naval Infrastructure to MarineMarine transportation facilities support ports, harbors, docks and shipping terminals.
1216Vehicle ParkingParking facilities for vehicles.
1217Rail TransportRail transportation facilities, including passenger rail stations, commercial rail yards, and switching and signaling facilities.
1218Road and BridgeCommercially operated roads for travel by cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles, including toll bridges and turnpikes.
1219TravelTravelers transportation and destination services, lodging, tour services, and vehicle rentalL.
1220Passenger transportationPassenger transportation for recreational and leisure purposes, as well as the facilitation and management of that travel, including tour operators, travel agencies and passenger transport companies Passenger transport services for recreation and leisure purposes, along with travel organization and operation, such as tour operators, travel agencies, and transport companies.
1221Air transportationPassenger transportation by air.
1222Air Business TravelBusiness air transport of passengers.
1223Aircraft Fractional Ownership in AviationPartial interest in aircraft is held through timeshare, with ownership often divided into fractions such as one-fourth, one-eighth, or one-sixteenth.
1224Air TravelPassenger transportation by airplane for leisure purposes.
1225CruiseShips that offer accommodation, entertainment, leisure facilities, and other amenities onboard.
1226Road TransportTransporting goods or people using roads or railways includes cars, vans, buses, trucks, rental vehicles, and taxis.
1227Travel managementFacilitating and managing travel for recreation or leisure, such as tour operators and tour guides.
1228Adventure TourismFacilitating and managing exciting adventure travel.
1229Nature-focused travelOrganizing nature-focused travel while considering environmental issues.
1230Cultural TourismTravel focusing on places of historic or cultural importance includes landmark sites, monuments, battlefields, historic homes, living history or reenactment programs, heritage and cultural museums or districts.
1231Travel services for LGBTCatering to and organizing travel tailored to the needs of the LGBT community.
1232Religious tourismTravel to places of religious interest or importance or for reasons of faith; pilgrimages to holy lands, shrines or sacred sites.
1233Senior TourismHospitality services tailored for elderly clientele with discounted rates.
1234Educational TourismHospitality businesses catering to students and educators offering special fares or accommodations like student hostels.
1235Travel Gadgets and Accessories for TravelTravel accessories including luggage, luggage carts, comfort kits, money belts, GPS, electrical adapters, translators, and time converters.
1236Travel AgenciesTravel agency arranging trip itineraries, booking accommodations and transportation, and organizing tours and activities for travelers.
1237Business Travel ServicesServices marketed to and focused on business travelers accommodations, flight and other transportation arrangements.
1238Online Travel PlatformsTravel services available on the Internet transportation and accommodations bookings airfare searches tour packages trip planning tickets.
1239Travel AgenciesTravel agencies offer bookings for transportation, accommodations, tickets, trip and tour planning services, as well as packaged tours.
1240Travel Technology Systems Supporting Travel HospitalityHospitality Industry Travel Support Systems and Devices.
1241Travel LodgingTravelers' temporary housing options include hotels, resorts, campgrounds, and cruise ships.
1242Lodging with breakfastSmall inns or homes that provide overnight lodging with breakfast included. Bed and Breakfasts.
1243Outdoor accommodationsRecreational vehicle and camper accommodations at RV Parks and Camps provide space for vehicles and equipment, as well as amenities such as water hookups and parking pads to attract visitors.
1244Lodging establishmentsOvernight lodging facilities.
1245Lodging RentalShort-term lodging rental service for holiday cottages, apartments, homestays, hostel beds, and hotel rooms.
1246Short-Term RentalsShort-term rental accommodation.
1247Mountain TourismSki resorts offer accommodation, dining, and amenities.
1248Fractional Ownership VacationShared ownership of vacation properties, restricted to certain weeks or months.
1249Resort HotelsHotels offering extra amenities for recreation and relaxation.
1250Public UtilitiesCritical public services provided by for-profit organizations are heavily regulated by the government. This includes electricity, natural gas, fresh water, and sewage services.
1251Power GenerationCommercial electric power generation operators coal natural gas oil nuclear power plants utilities using renewable energy sources wind solar includes electricity transmission.
1252Traditional Power GenerationElectric power generation using fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas, or by nuclear fission or hydroelectric plants.
1253Gas Electricity GenerationElectricity generation from natural gas combustion.
1254Fuel Oil Power Plants Commercial Generation Electricity BurningElectricity generation from burning fuel oil commercially.
1255Power GenerationElectricity generation for sale to electric utilities or end users. Also known as non-utility generators.
1256Electric Generation from Renewables inElectric power generation using wind, solar, and biomass renewables instead of fossil fuels or fissionable materials.
1257Solar PowerSolar energy converted into electric power using photovoltaic cells for commercial generation.
1258Wind PowerElectric power generation from wind energy via turbines.
1259Natural GasGenerate and convey piped or bottled natural gas.
1260Processed natural gas deliveryProcessed natural gas delivery through pipe network to consumers.
1261Multiple ServicesProviders of multiple essential utility services like electricity gas or water.
1262Sewage ManagementDisposal, management and distribution of sewage or wastewater, along with the required infrastructure for these operations.
1263Freshwater SupplyFresh water provision and infrastructure operation and maintenance necessary for the task.