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To use the API, you'll require an API key. You can obtain an API key by signing up for an account on the APITube website.


All requests may be GET or POST. The API key must be included in the request to authenticate the user. The API key can be passed as a query parameter in the URL or in the headers of the request. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, you can regenerate it from the APITube website.

API Key in query string


This method is not recommended for production environments as the API key is exposed in the URL.

The API key can be passed as a query parameter in the URL. This is the simplest way to authenticate your requests.

Request Example:

curl ...

API Key in headers

You can also pass the API key in the headers of your request. This is a more secure way to authenticate your requests. The API key must be included in the X-API-Key header of the request.


  • X-API-Key (string): Your API key for authentication. This header is required for accessing the endpoint.

Request Example:

curl --header "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" ...

Bearer Token

You can also use a Bearer token to authenticate your requests. This is a more secure way to authenticate your requests. The Bearer token must be included in the Authorization header of the request. The Bearer token should be prefixed with Bearer.

Request Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" ...